The region is cold, dry, and windy. They are small to medium if compared to other dolphins, but they loved to jump and turn somersaults in the air. They are mostly found in North America, Greenland and North Europe.

The world’s largest tea producer. It is a wild cat that is usually two times the size of pet cats! Canadian and Alaskan grizzly bears are larger than the American grizzlies. Baby chinstrap penguins are grey.They are what are commonly called the timber wolves. There are white and brown too. Also called the “Nanook”, they eat fish and other small animals in their territory. This is why drilling and mining in this area is such a potentially dangerous proposition. 10. They eat other small birds and mammals, but sometimes, they will settle for fish or frogs.Named because of their almost pure black skins, they are related to the white-side dolphin. New discoveries might be limited in this region if it ever is explored fully because of the weather, making it the last true undiscovered country on the planet today.The tundra biome actually covers 1/5 of the total planet’s surface. They only eat fish, squids and octopuses. They are the most aggressive to outsiders among all the penguins. People can get freshwater, minerals, oil, gas and fish as the natural resource in Arctic.
Others will spend the warmer months in the Arctic and then go further south as the winds turn cold. They are monogamous meaning cou­ples stay together forever. You can feel very cold temperature when you spend time in the tundra biome. Tweet on Twitter. Their flippers are wide and short, making them look square-shaped.Their scientific name means “maritime bear” or sea bear. Snow covers the ground for nine months of the year when plants cannot grow. It is very squishy. They can dive up to 200 meters below the water surface.Named because of the odor their bodies pro­duced during some seasons, the musk ox are more related to sheep than to other oxen. They live in shallow burrows they make on the ground in river banks, mountain slopes and lake shores. Others create these networks because it provides a natural defense against a predator which might be hungry and want to eat them. They like living where there are people. They are the na­tional symbol of Iceland.Also known by other names such as the white fox and the polar or snow fox, they are small foxes native to the Arctic region. This is perhaps one of the more obvious facts about India, but still an important one! Some of the most famous teas include Assam, Darjeeling, Nilgiri, and Kangra. The same could be said about the footprints of a visitor to the tundra biome. They can be nasty protectors and are able to fend off predators like foxes. Another reason is that food supplies are quite low. During the winter season, the temperature ranges around 3 degree to 12 degree Celsius. Snowy white tundra swans breed in the Arctic. The Tundra is a huge expanse of flat and treeless ground that can be found in the Arctic regions of Europe, Asia and North America. And even if they are called the red fox, not all red foxes are red. Most tundra is around the Arctic Circle, but there is also tundra near Antarctica and on high mountains. Dec 13, 2014. The location of this biome is near the North Pole. The word tundra comes from a Finnish word tunturi, which means treeless plain or barren land. 1. Snow covers the ground for nine months of the year when plants cannot grow.

Parts of Russia, the United States, and Canada all have communities that are technically within the boundaries of the biome.
Unlike other animals, they do not hibernate during very cold winters. Get ready for a chill! Due to its very unique and cold climate, it looks nothing like parts of the world filled with animals, plants and trees. They are subnivean animals, meaning they live in the tunnels formed underneath the snow by melting and re-freezing. They are known for running very fast but they get tired easily.Also called the “polar rabbit”, the arctic hare is a mammal that lives in the polar region by the help of their thick, white fur. Most tundra is around the Arctic Circle, but there is also tundra near Antarctica and on high mountains.