When compared to A roads, the M25 only beat the A40 for the number of accidents recorded. 'And it's not just unpleasant, it can also be dangerous, too. For starters, you can try out our top If you haven’t passed your test yet, meanwhile, be sure to read up on our PassMeFast’s range of intensive courses are designed to help learners acquire the skills they need to drive safely. If she’s not on the road, you’ll probably find Bethany with her head in a book or binge-watching the latest TV show.© PassMeFast Blog, 2020 Using official statistics and data, we compiled two lists for the top 5 dangerous Using data compiled from reported road incidents on UK roads between 2007 and 2016, we were able to determine which A roads were the most hazardous to drive on. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. The M6 is the UK's longest motorway. The longest Motorway wholly in Scotland is the M8 at 61 miles, with the M74 coming second at 32.5 miles. Watch Queue Queue 'And if you know you're about to embark on a long journey, plan comfort breaks in advance so that you're not caught short. Today, this A road runs alongside some of the M5 motorway as a single carriageway road.Stretching all the way from Luton to Carlisle, the Given that it covers rural areas with tricky road conditions, accidents are, perhaps, likely to occur on a route such as this.

Meanwhile, the section of road between Junctions 14 and 15, near to Heathrow Airport, sees the highest number of daily traffic counts on the British road network.The M25 came in top of the list for the highest number of accidents on motorways in the UK, with 7,673 reported accidents. 'Highways England recently revealed that around 100 people are killed on motorway hard shoulders each year - highlighting the dangerous of hard shoulder misuse by motorists who choose to relieve themselves at the side of the road.And if you cause an accident, you could be charged with careless driving – and hit with a £5,000 fine, up to nine penalty points and even a lengthy driving ban. 3. The longest stretch of UK motorway without a single service station is a 43-mile stint of the M25, identified as the route where passengers will have to cross their legs for the longest. The longest Motorway wholly in England is the M6. We talk socially responsible investing on a This is Money podcast specialCovid crisis stops many young workers from saving into pensions: Tips to keep YOUR retirement plans on track in pandemicThe property market mini-boom could go bust as job losses soar after furlough ends, Rics estate agents warnEnergy supplier Bulb ordered to pay £1.76m to customers after challenger to the Big Six overcharged thousands and blocked switchesStunned dog groomer is accused of fraud after coronavirus grant mix-up saw her paid £240,000 instead of the £5,000 loan she applied forHow to purchase a property in a pandemic: What first-time buyers need to know about buying a home nowMotorway exits you don't want to miss!

It was once Britain’s second-longest such road, but its route shortened following the opening of the M25 in 1986. As it's a ring road, you're unlikely to go the whole length.The worst case scenario in the list is failing to turn off the westbound M26 at junction 2A for the A20 in Kent.Motorists will be forced to drive a staggering 18 miles along the motorway before the first opportunity to turn around presents itself.In fact, the first chance to turn back isn't until junction 6 on the M25, which the M26 has turned into by this time.The 36-mile detour to the M26 turn-off for the A20 takes 31 minutes and costs a driver around £3.40 in wasted fuel, the study said at the time.Some links in this article may be affiliate links. 'This means they are likely to be the smallest and the quietest; Old Inns is marginally smaller,' the expert website said.Driving on the M6 from Tebay services to the next stop-off destination at Southwaite (pictured) is 27 miles without a service station - the 13th longest stretch on the listCobham services is the biggest of its kind in the UK, spanning over two floors and having a 36-pump petrol stationThe longest logical motorway journey you can do before reaching a service area is by joining the A329(M) at Reading, and heading for the M1 in Bedfordshire, where the first service area is at Toddington - 58 miles along.The longest end-to-end, logical motorway journey you can make without passing any service areas at all is from the M58 near Bootle to the M67 near Mottram, which would be 52 miles.The longest motorway without any service areas at all is the M60, which is 36 miles long. This video is unavailable. 'When you desperately need the loo your concentration drifts and you lose focus, as you instead fantasise about relieving yourself. Watch Queue Queue. Nonetheless, it certainly makes sense to have your wits about you while driving on motorways—given the speed you have to sustain here, making a tiny mistake can result in deadly consequences.To illustrate these stats better, we’ve created a table you can view below.Want to find out more about these dangerous motorways? Unfortunately, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows with the UK’s roads. This will be superseded in 2021 by the 37,600-metre (123,400 ft) Woodsmith Mine Tunnel in North Yorkshire that will transport polyhalite from North Yorkshire to a port on Teesside. 2.