Adrienne Brown June 24, 2020. This makes Canada one of the countries with the closest relationship to the species as well as a primary responsibility in their conservation. Official Name: Canada Form of Government: Federal parliamentary state Capital: Ottawa Population: 36,307,820 Official Language: English, French Money: Canadian dollar Area: 9,970,610 square kilometres Major Mountain Ranges: Rockies, Coast, Laurentian Interesting Facts and Symbols of Canada The national animal of Canada is the Beaver – It became the national symbol in 1975.

10 funny facts about Canada. While our country might not conjure up images of blue waters and white sandy beaches, Canada has the world’s longest coastline, bordered on three sides by three different oceans: the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific. With beautiful scenery and rich marine and coastal biodiversity, the coastal areas also attract a large number of tourists.Some of the highest tides in the world have been recorded in Canada at the Bay of Fundy on the east coast. Majestic mountains, frozen glaciers, beautiful cities and incredible wildlife – discover our fantastic facts about Canada!. But, transfer of money obtained by se*ual services is legal. Around 90% of Canada’s land area is uninhabited This is definitely one of the interesting facts about Canada. It’s just one of 10 It’s thick, it’s sticky and Canada has an estimated 176.8 billion recoverable barrels of it. It is the second largest country in the world by total area (after Russia). There’s an estimated 249.67 billion accessible barrels of the black stuff in the world and Canada has about 70.8 per cent of it—four times more than Kazakhstan and six times more than Russia.Check out some more often-overlooked reasons it’s great One of the most mind-blowing facts about Canada is that the country is so big, even our parks dwarf other countries. That’s right, crude bitumen—a semi-solid source of petroleum—is available in abundance in Canada’s oil sands. The stretch of the Discovery Passage has some of the strongest tidal currents ever measured with flood speeds of 17 km/h and ebb speeds of 18 km/h. Dominant tree species include pine and fir.All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 It stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and northwards into the Arctic Ocean. Yep!Canada has abundance of natural resources, and is the single largest supplier of oil to United States, which is even more than all the Gulf nations’ oil supplies to US put together. An incredible 396.9-million hectares of forest and other wooded land can be found across the country, and 68 per cent of that is coniferous. Thought you were an expert on Canada? On May 30, 1961 25 centimetres fell in less than an hour. Our country’s vast land area is often hard to comprehend for those who haven’t experienced it firsthand. They were actually trying to identify the small area which is present day Quebec City, but Cartier used the similar-sounding word “Canada” to refer to the whole area. Just plain weird, unusual or interesting facts about Canada. It seems like a strange choice, but the beaver played a large role in building the nation. English is spoken throughout most of the country, and French is primarily spoken in Quebec. These 10 One of the most widely-known facts about Canada is that we’ve got an abundance of trees, but did you know that Canada actually boasts 30 per cent of the world’s boreal forest and 10 per cent of the world’s total forest cover? The large concentration of people in urban areas has been linked to the pursuit of higher education and the highly changing economy which is inclined towards the service sector prompting rural to urban migration.Canada has the world’s longest coastline covering a distance of 125,576 miles. Dairy and beef farming are major economic drivers for some provinces of Canada such as Alberta which has the highest beef production in the country.Canada is an urbanized country with 82% of the population living in cities, especially in the southern regions. If you’re up for the swim of your life (be sure to wear a life-jacket), check out the Seymour Narrows in British Columbia.