It seems that your first link (12 Major Scales) does not refer to the proper document.What and how do you need to practice in order to accelerate your jazz improvement? If you look at a scale, it looks like a ladder where each rung is a note that fits in the key signature.When reading scales, you'll notice that the key is set in the key signature, not by accidentals on each note.Each key also has character traits. It conveys a sense of innocence and simplicity. Everytime we discuss the major scale, we have to drop this video because it helps us gain a better understanding of this scale and how it functions. It is made up of: F, G, A, B-flat, C, D, E, F.The key of F-Major is described as complaisent and calm. There are 12 different Major Scales : One with no sharps or flats, 4 with sharps, 4 with flats, and 3 with either sharps or flats depending upon enharmonic spelling . The scale is made up of: B, C-sharp, D-sharp, E, F-sharp, G-sharp, A-sharp, B.The key of B-Major is one of wild passion. They are F-sharp, C-sharp, G-sharp, D-sharp, and A-sharp.

Major scales are the most important piano scales: firstly, because they are very common and, secondly, because they are fundamental to understand keys.If you hear someone mention that a piano sonata by the composer and pianist Franz Schubert is played in A Major, it means that it depends on the A Scale.

Check out his music at me tell you one of the biggest myths I hear about learning how to play jazz: All 12 Major Scales (You may want to read the articles about Scales , the Major Scale , or Key Signatures first.) The 12 Major Scales are one the very basic fundamentals of music, and it’s incredibly important. Go through slowly and you'll see that you use the same fingerings and the pitches are the same.F-Sharp Major has six sharps: F-sharp, C-sharp, G-sharp, D-sharp, A-sharp, and E-sharp.The F-sharp major scales is made up of the notes: F-sharp, G-sharp, A-sharp, B, C-sharp, D-sharp, E-sharp, and F-sharp. This key tells the story of difficult struggle and ultimate triumph.Since this is such an awkward key for many instruments to play, it is rarely used for symphonies. A symphony that uses the key of E-Major is The key of F-Major has one flat, B-flat. For you history buffs, or if you just want to rock on trivia night, then remember that the word scale comes from the Latin word "Scala," which means ladder. Learning scales will allow you to more quickly read notes within a key signature and to feel more comfortable playing these combinations of fingerings.You've learned the basics of the scale, now it is time to get it in rhythm! That said, in compositions these two keys might be approached differently, which will have a dramatic impact on the feelings they convey. The D-Major scale is made up of the notes: D, E, F-sharp, G, A, B, C-sharp, and D.The key of D is representative of triumph and victory. The scale is made up by: A, B, C-Sharp, D, E, F-Sharp, G-Sharp, A.The key of A Major elicits feelings of innocent love and trust.

He teaches music at the Idaho Arts Charter School, and is the jazz adjunct professor at Northwest Nazarene University. A famous work in the key of E-flat is The G-Flat Major scale is another scale that is an G-Flat major has six flats, meaning every note in this scale is flat except for F. (G-flat, A-flat, B-flat, C-flat, D-flat, E-flat).Now that you know G-flat, you also know F-sharp. From major scales to minor scales, there are so many scales to learn on saxophone and it can seem really overwhelming. This guide will help shorten the learning curve!You'll also get sent my #1 top free training series called "Jazz Standards Mastery Formula." Once famous example is E-flat Major has three flats: B-flat, E-flat, and A-flat.E-flat is the key of love and devotion and is made up of the notes: E-flat, F, G, A-flat, B-flat, C, D, and E-flat. It can represent emotions of intense love, anger, jealousy, and rage.