And you will wish you had more evidence of that later!Give yourself permission to rest when you need to & leave projects uncompleted. It will be okay.When your water breaks it’s not like in the movies.Take so many bump pics! They’ll be taking care of your baby for years. And I’d never played in that game before. And just because Susie has gained 15lbs during her pregnancy that doesn’t make you “too big” or “too small.” It may be gratifying for Susie to wake up at 4 am and take her morning run while 8 months pregnant. If you’re breastfeeding get advice from other breastfeeding moms. I felt like I at least had a little idea of what was coming at me.Take everything you can from the hospital after you give birth! The older they get the harder it gets but you can’t spiral and say everything that’s on your mind. Don’t sweat it they’ll find a new favorite word that is hopefully more family-friendly.It’s natural to want to make everything quiet when your baby is sleeping. I went in for my routine teeth cleaning and I told my dentist that I was pregnant with my first baby (I was 5 weeks pregnant at the time).He said, “That’s wonderful, congratulations! I promise you can. If you have to meet with a few to find the right fit, so be it. Take the time to get a prenatal massage so you can have some deep relaxation. I don’t mind hearing how the mothers before me did it, but in the end, it’s my decision what advice I want to implement.Here’s some of the beautiful advice I was given by other moms that will help you transition to motherhood with confidence!It’s easy to get caught up in the perfectionism we see on the internet and TV. You are the mother!I see so many moms asking for advice on baby names. It’s amazing to look back on later (& show them! And I know how sweet the love of your child is.So I did what I’ve always done—I asked my Mom friends. 5 out of 5 stars (3,253) 3,253 reviews $ 2.75. You’re literally growing a person inside of you. I have to say I LOVE writing & I LOVE Motherhood, so being able to write about Motherhood & all the beauty & craziness that comes with it is a dream. I’ve seen too many stories of babies getting sick because someone kissed them or came to visit even though they had been sick.

Also, take plenty of pictures and create memorable artwork of their little hands and feet. From shop DamlaDigital. The medical field is not perfect so keep seeking care until you find someone who will take your concerns seriously.Know exactly what and how many of each item to put on your baby registry with the free template!Self-care is essential at all stages of life. My partner and I felt empowered to make informed decisions for our family & we feel confident in our new roles of mom & dad. During that time I made sure to tell my husband, mom, and doctor how I was feeling. It’s okay if Becky’s baby starts walking at 10 months and your baby is still crawling. Terrified but excited lolAwwww CONGRATULATIONS!!! They’ve done that. decision what advice you want to listen to. They have been there. You may not feel beautiful but you are!There are no stupid questions especially when it comes to your body and your baby. But we have no idea how many tries it took them to get that beautifully photoshopped picture or how many scenes they had to repeat to get the perfect one. Having your baby in your arms is beyond wonderful but there is just something about having them safe in your belly, feeling those kicks, knowing they’re in there growing & hearing the inner workings of your body. You can’t be the best version of you when you’re running on empty. Yes, really.Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My fear and anxiety got the best of me. By clicking the button above you are joining my epic weekly newsletter. All things MOMishGreat advice!