Our team of 5 Driving Safety Tips to Avoid a Car Accident During Your Road Trip on Christmas Friday, December 21, 2018. Driving is one of the most dangerous things we do every day and with busier roads and potentially hazardous driving conditions, this is especially true during Christmas time. Other specialty traffic school course offerings include defensive driving, driver improvement, and court approved Maryland DWI/DUI alcohol and drug education. Be sure to have the following basic maintenance checks completed on a regular basis as well as immediately before leaving on a long trip:For those of you who’ll be brightening your home with a fresh Christmas treeAt Elite Driving School, we believe all driver’s are responsible for As a prominent Maryland driving school located in the Baltimore metro area, Elite Driving School offers a comprehensive range of classes for obtaining a learners permit, provisional license, and Maryland driver license. Following our Christmas Holiday Driving Tips could save your life or the life of another. Add a safety switch to your switchboard: If the switch detects a power imbalance associated with an electric shock, it will stop the flow of current in less than a heartbeat, potentially saving a life. Even those living in California may have noticed that winter weather conditions get more and more unpredictable and messy by the year. It's wise to do some research on a website before you purchase something and hand over your credit card information.

Yesterday was sunny and you were comfortable wearing a T-shirt, while today there is snow and ice all over the place and you cannot keep yourself warm in a coat (in addition to several layers of warm clothing underneath).In fact, with Christmas holidays just around the corner, many California residents will be traveling to other states to visit their families for the holidays.

Online Shopping. Whether it’s making a “Merry Christmas!” phone call from behind the wheel, rushing to the next holiday party or indulging in some rum eggnog prior to hitting the road, here are some of the most dangerous behaviors drivers …

Our Mission is Safety The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. 5 Driving Safety Tips to Avoid a Car Accident During Your Road Trip on Christmas. Get timely blogs, seasonal safety tips, survey results, event information and lots of other safety-related news. Yesterday was sunny and you were comfortable wearing a T … When you’re headed out to complete some Christmas shopping or are preparing for a long holiday trip, giving yourself a little extra time can provide a big payback when it comes to keeping everyone in your vehicle safe and peaceful. No matter how skilled of a driver you are, it's a good idea to reflect on the basics of traffic safety from time to time just to make sure that you are being careful enough to keep yourself - and other drivers and pedestrians - as safe as possible. On behalf of The Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg Posted in Car accident. The VPD is offering the following tips to get you through the holidays safely. Drunk driving is a major contributory factor to road crashes and road deaths in the world. The first step is to contact the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg.

Some of these states have freezing temperatures and severe winter weather conditions that can affect your ability to drive and increase the risk of crashing into a tree, building, other vehicles, or worse, a pedestrian.Getting into a car accident during the holiday season can be frustrating, stressful, and can certainly ruin your Christmas spirit unless, of course, you let your If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident due to the negligence of others, it is time to recover the full compensation to account for your injuries, damages, lost wages along with your pain and suffering. At the store, check the lights have an Australian Approval number such as Q12345, V01294 or N12345. We have put together some simple safety tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the roads during the holidays so you can enjoy a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Stay the night or plan a safe alternative to get home such as a cab or designated driver who does not drink all night. If you want to increase your chances of staying safe on the road, review these 20 safety tips for driving. Give yourself extra room when turning or merging, and if you suspect Winter driving is harder on your vehicle in general, but keeping it running in top shape during the holiday season helps keep you and everyone else on the road safer. If you going to a Christmas party and plan to indulge in a drink or two and get merry, don’t drive.

Safety; The Four Most Dangerous Holiday Driving Hazards. With Thanksgiving upon us, and other winter holidays just around the corner, millions of Americans are preparing to travel to visit friends and family to celebrate, and the majority of holiday travelers will be driving. No one likes the feeling of rushing around, and the distractions this emotional state can create increase your chances of being involved in an auto accident.On the contrary, when drivers feel relaxed, they are much less likely to take chances with aggressive driving moves, such as cutting another vehicle off. SEASONAL SAFETY TIPS Christmas. Even those living in California may have noticed that winter weather conditions get more and more unpredictable and messy by the year.

Safety slideshow. Before buying Christmas lights, visit the federal government’s product safety recalls website. Since alcohol use tends to increase during this time of frequent social gatherings, it follows that the number of impaired drivers also increases, unfortunately.

Give Yourself a Little Extra Time While Traveling When you’re headed out to complete some Christmas shopping or are preparing for a long holiday trip, giving yourself a little extra time can provide a big payback when it comes to keeping everyone in your vehicle safe and peaceful.

For many people, the holidays see an increase in shopping and socializing. Holiday Driving Safety Tips.