For such a colloquial word, nincompoop actually has a very learned past.

Try it! A similar term is dunderpate, which turns up in an 1809 use from Washington Irving’s Speaking of pate, that old word for the head opened a lot of doors when it comes to naming idiots. Though etymologists struggle to agree where the word came from, it seems likely that it For such a colloquial word, nincompoop actually has a very learned past.

It's been reported that etymologists worldwide are involved in a desperate race to find a word that rhymes with 'nincompoop'.And that doesn't mean, of course, that they can use words like 'stoop', 'loop', or 'hoop', but the rhyming word must rhyme with the whole of the word 'nincompoop'.To illustrate precisely what is meant by this, here are some examples of If there were such a word as 'sincompoop', this would be a perfect rhyme with 'nincompoop', but there isn't, so it's not really worth our consideration.Word experts in Poland are hot on the case, however, and have promised not to give up until they have found the word that has, so far, evaded them.One man who will be giving it everything he has in the attempt, is professional postage-stamp collector, Grigor Waszinckzscryz, with which We use cookies to give you the best experience, this includes cookies from third party websites and advertisers. 1 decade ago. List-o-mania! Find descriptive alternatives for nincompoop. Posted by. How to use nincompoop in a sentence. Samuel Johnson, the compiler of England’s first proper dictionary, claims the word comes from the Latin phrase non compos mentis (“not of right mind”), and was originally a legal term.As words are used more regularly, the laziness of pronunciation can often warp them slightly.

At the time, "lad culture" ran throughout British music and television, and wazzock, a North-England accented contraction of the sarcastic wiseacre (a know-it-all) became a powerful tool to shoot people down in an argument.Though the etymology of lummox is heavily disputed, Skivers and shirkers are one and the same. Robert Beard's The 100 Funniest Words in English contains the 100 funniest words in English 50 of which are listed below. Cantankerous — Overly argumentative or uncooperative. I love shallow-pate, which was used in a sexism-skewering sentence from 1930 in Dating from the 1700s, the origin of this mostly Scottish word is uncertain, but I can confirm that it has a unique, guttural sound that pairs well with idiocy.
Hint: It has nothing to do with balloons.

This word dates from the late 1500s, and this 1622 poem by Samuel Rowlands voices a self-deprecating regret: “I might haue beene a scholler, learn'd my Grammar, But I haue lost all like … This would be what is known as a 'perfect rhyme'. For as long as people have been speaking the English language, they’ve been deploying it to poke fun at one another. Since jesters were also called fools, it’s no wonder the word migrated to Idiocy Land. There are easily 1000 funny words in English (maybe more depending on how you measure funniness) but we think this book contains the best selection based on his experience as a reader and writer over the past four decades.

Answer Save. But how often can you use the word This colorful word, which sounds distinctly Lewis Carroll-y, has two idiot-related uses: it can be a dum-dum or a dum-dum’s head. What’s even funnier is that nincompoop (noun) means a silly person and is sometimes used jokingly to refer to someone who is not very smart. I was playing like a nincompoop but being one of God’s chosen the good lord blessed me a miracle. More similar words: poop, lampoon, compost, comport, compose, pompous, component, composed, compound, composure, incomplete, comportment, composition, encompass, discomposure, incompetent, decomposition, incompatible, complaining, incompressible, compound interest, incompatibility, uncompromising, in compliance with, incomprehensible, in comparison with, pompom, poor, pool, spoor. This blog features t a list of 500+ Things that Kids Like, Things They DON’T Like, and a list of over 200 fun, cool and interesting words. Cockamamie — Implausible.
My name shall not go down in history as the guy who codified Strip Jenga. Trevor: What do you think to this whistleblower complaint means for Donald's presidency? Canoodle — To cuddle or get close to.

Wabbit — A computing term related to a type of denial of service attack. Desi: Trevor, this whole thing has me so mad, look if these allegations are all true then our president, forgive me for using the n word here is a complete nincompoop Originally Grose’s Dictionary of vulgarities is a rich seam of overlooked insults. Here’s a word that not only looks funny but sounds funny too when you say it out loud.

Close. Nincompoop. Godwottery — Overelaborate style of speech or gardening. See more ideas about Bones funny, Words, Funny quotes.

a silly, no brain, fool. This one is also unique because, as Merriam-Webster tells us, it comes from Latin and Greek and was first used in the 14th century.Does this word look unusual to you? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. 6 months ago.

In addition to clodpate—a word for someone with a thick head—other insults include doddy-pate, jolter-pate, muddle-pate, puzzle-pate, rattle-pate, and shallow-pate.

Any idea what it means? I believe it’s because of its spelling.


My house is just down the road from the bus stop. Relevance.

I was playing like a nincompoop but being one of God’s chosen the good lord blessed me a miracle.