You will end up with many of the same items for things that aren’t in demand but might sell occasionally.This means that spreading out your farming across all tiers is best, as you will get fewer of each item but more different items to meet the actual demand.A good way to think about it is to each week go farm some vanilla, some TBC, some WotLK, etc. You will spend a lot less than an hour to do your 10 runs here though, so I would do 10 runs then move on.Also a quick dungeon with a path back to the entrance after the last boss. Bringing a Rogue or someone who can open locked chests is therefore advised.Blackfathom Deeps is one of the best dungeons for filling up your auction house with valuable transmog.A lot of the greens from here are quite valuable, and the zone has a ton of different rare zone drops as well, most which are worth 10-50k.One important thing to remember is to not kill Domina, Subjugator Kor’ul or the Guardian of the Deep. You will be limiting yourself as the demand won’t be there and you will end up with too many items. If you have neither, you can use a Druid class trial. Look no further, this is your definitive WoW BFA gold farming guide! Some of them rely on a bit of luck, Auction House prices, or the state of the in-game economy as a whole, while others are a great source of vendor trash that provides a steady income, not affected by the economy in any way.WoW: Classic is still in beta stage, so this is still unclear what final shape will the game have upon release. Selling transmog is still really slow and you should have hundreds or thousands of different items for sale on the AH in order to sell just a few a day.A cancel scan in TSM will check and see if you have been undercut on an item and then cancel it so that you can repost it. If you don’t kill them and then click the Fire of Aku’mai after killing Twilight Lord Bathiel, you will spawn a bunch of additional mobs. Loot Appraiser will let you know how much gold you loot in a given session and also the value of all the items you loot.Auto Loot Plus is a nice addon to have for dungeon farmers that allows you to instantly loot when clicking a dead mob.

You won’t get as many items as in Razorfen Kraul, but you have a chance at super rare items like the RFD is also very fast to run and it’s easy to circle back to the entrance to restart. Vanilla, TBC and WotLK zones work best. This is because you can reset an instance 10 times per hour, so if you do a run every 6 minutes you can keep farming nonstop.Having the Loot Appraiser addon is an easy way to time your runs.To exit an instance quickly. When you have everything, you can go back to the first window and craft the queue. That will leave you a minute to complete your 6 minutes and you will be ported out on the 6-minute mark, ready to reset and port right back in.Transmog drops here are also decent, and the whole instance can be run in 6 minutes or less if you are fast. It is a gamer-driven marketplace for WoW Classic Gold, Items, and Power Leveling services.Odealo supports player-to-player trading for WoW Classic Gold and Items. This will give you one minute to kill the frog boss and you will be ported out, right outside the instance.This dungeon also has a great loot table. The items in the chests will be around level 20 and those are the ones with the most value.A level 20 Shadowfang will be worth several times what a level 60 one is worth. New Heartglen is best for farming though.From Porcupine around Dawn’s Blossom in Jade Forest.If you haven’t got a steady group, use the group finder to see if there is a group available. There is a ton of trash mobs that are easy and fast to kill. For transmog having more than 2 at any given time is not worth it, unless it’s a very popular item.Below is a list of a few items of note that are good for making gold. A lot of gold can be made but it is a popular and well-known farm so expect competition.This is a great solo farm, mainly for Druids but can be used for Monks as well. A run can be done in less than 6 minutes with a Another great WoD dungeon for raw gold. If a route is posted online then that area will quickly be overpopulated with people gathering. Works best with 5 druids. Good amount of transmog and a chance for One of the few good WoD transmog farming spots. The way I like to do it is to park one Rogue class trial in Outland and one in Northrend, then fly over the whole continent and look for chests. This will teleport you to the nearest graveyard, on most dungeons this is right outside but on some, there is a bit of a run.Druids can also use Dreamwalk and Monks can use Zen Pilgrimage at the end of the dungeon, reset the dungeon and port back.Below is a list of the dungeons that I think are viable to farm for gold.

Using a Rogue or someone who can open chests can be smart here as there are quite a few.The Warpwood Quarter is also good for transmog and will drop a decent amount of materials with some value that will sell quickly, click the pods on the floor for more stuff.Uldaman is one of those dungeons you want to hit up after building up a decent inventory on the AH.