Episode Recap House on TV.com. The team helps a high school boy (16) who has double vision and night terrors. Vijay gets the fun job of reading the decree that goes along with JB's license. JB thought it was a bad idea, because it would mean separating his wife from her dad and his frankly astonishing mustache, but the Maharaja insisted.This summer home was about the best possible option for a safe house you can imagine, and everyone had a great time, until things took a very dark turn.

Does Chandrika answer? The key is inside House's head, but he is in a bad way himself. A magician's heart stops during a performance. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Spoiler alert, these people were a pretty big deal: the Maharaja of Kalyan and his two super hot daughters, Chandrika and Kamlavati. House takes over a diagnostics class for a day and presents the class with three case studies of leg pain. a list of 51 images

Yikes. Some takeaways: a) YIKES, there’s no way this ends well, and 2) JB and the Prince clearly have a backstory, and I want to know what it is!On the other side of the house, Captain Sideburns chats with PTF Violet. More episodes from season 1. She starts crying and walks away, but thankfully, she still has one friend in the house, the too-good-for-everyone Baadal. An ambitious, charismatic black senator becomes ill while campaigning for the Presidency suffering from a mysterious malady, possibly AIDS.

He also had managed to inject himself into a powerful battle between one man and his brother.Chandrika was in many ways responsible for nursing him back to health after what happened. Drama Club; Recaps 'Beecham House' Season 1 Episode 3 Recap: What A Girl Wants. Beecham House. Luckily for us, Castillon isn’t too pleased with ol’ Sideburns right now. There's only one way to find out, and that’s tuning in next week for Episode 5!Writer, marketer and content producer with an abiding love for the weirder side of the internet. season 1 episode 4 online. Drama Articles . The Maharaja sent JB to Delhi with some staff, and that’s where we started the season.

Clinic Cases: Chase's case of a man with numb fingers. Back in the present, there’s not a dry eye in the house, because this story is tragic in the extreme. Clinic Cases: Woman with leg pain, man trying to remove his contact lenses, a dentist with various issues, and a hung over teenager - all in 70 seconds. 2014 8.5 Streamers Information 8.5 Release date: 01 Apr 2014 Genres: Home Improvement, House/Garden. At one point, he found himself shot and bleeding out, only to eventually find himself saved soon afterward. At first House dismisses the case, but later changes his mind when complications arise. Meanwhile, Vogler pressures House to fire a member of his staff. Tom Bateman … He was a hero to a small group of people and as a result of it, he learned that he had actually saved some local royalty. House has to deal with his promised dinner date with Cameron, a mysterious stroke in a clinic patient and a libidinous senior citizen. House encounters a patient who is too nice for his own good, which is a bigger problem than his emergency room diagnosis; and House competes with Amber for Wilson's attention. The first season of House premiered November 16, 2004, and ended May 24, 2005. They all nod in agreement, except Baadal, who’s hanging out in the room next door. It seems like all of the houseguests except for Captain Sideburns have been summoned for a Poirot-style denouement in the sitting room, and JB has even put on a fancy vest for the occasion. Be the curious cat you wish to see in the world, Oz!Just as you’d imagine, Captain Sideburns took this opportunity to run straight to the Red Fort to try and spill his freshly gathered tea to Castillon.

Fun! A famous jazz trumpeter, diagnosed with ALS, signs a DNR form, but because House believes the diagnosis wrong, he breaks the law by resuscitating him. PTF Violet barges into Mom Beecham’s room first thing, because she’s mad as hell re: what she saw last night, and she’s not gonna take it any more!Back at the palace, there’s someone new on the scene: another one of the Emperor’s kids, Prince Akbar.