Aug 18, 2008 #1 Im thinking of hogging my mares mane. But whilst I am all for it, do think long and hard as to whether it's the right choice for you, your horses and your yard. And straight up. If you are going to go for it, cut the bulk of the mane away first with scissors. hardly any mane left. What would you recommend? Thread starter baybabe; Start date Aug 18, 2008; Forums. Just as with your own hair, going for the "pixie" or "no.1" requires more regular maintenance! My fave lightweight cordless clippers (with a 5 in 1 blade) are these: Copyright 2011-2019 Professional Equine Grooms. Many people are wary of hogging a horse's mane. With your own horse, daily management and fortnightly baths are easy to maintain a beautiful, glowing natural mane but in a busy yard, when you only have 15 minutes from bringing in to mounting your client, it hardly leaves time to thoroughly clean a mane.

To hog or not to hog? Any of the points above can be argued to the opposite effect. You are removing some of your horse’s fly control, unless you were one of the many sparsely maned Appys I knew growing up, in which case there was none to start.

Close to the skin at poll and withers with a bit longer in the middle can enhance a weaker neck. You may find that under that mane, your horse has some divets in his neck.

As always, having a friend around to help you hold your horse is critical, as you don’t want a spook in the cross ties as you are on a stool over his neck. I know a few riders with weaknesses in their arms and hands that would find maintaining and plaiting a long mane impossible, despite being competent horsewomen.

This lengthens his topline and you can get a smooth roach. Growing up, I knew some Appys that were roached because their super wispy and pokey manes just looked better after being roached. its pretty untidy looking at the moment. What are your ideas about roaching or hogging the mane? You can use a trimmer style of clipper if you like, these have the handy 5 in 1 blades.

Her mane is au naturale anyway and a bit scraggly, so the thought crossed my mind to hog it all off and start again..will only take about 12 months to come back.. DB 04-03-12, 03:02 PM

The mane also serves as a means of creating braids, which are traditional in many disciplines in the show ring. Some people like a box cut - flat on the top, like a zebra's mane, and others prefer to shape it either side of the neck like a tent. Your hog will then gain experience depending on how much tiredness was restored. For example, some saddlebreds have partially roached manes and forelocks. Easy, well-researched, and trustworthy instructions for everything you want to know.

However if enlisting help of non horsey hubby be sure to point out to them where mane ends and fur begins... and if said other half is doing the opposite side to which you are standing and says "oops" be very afraid...!!! You may find that under that mane, your horse has some divets in his neck. There may also be a case in which a mane interferes with a medication being applied, so roaching the mane can allow for topical medications to be more effective. its pretty untidy looking at the moment. Again do what you think suits your horse.

Starting from the bottom near the withers, you can work your way up with a few stripes at a time to roach the mane. Don’t dig in, and keep the blade at a consistent angle as you work your way up the neck.

B. baybabe New Member.

How do you use hog mane in a sentence? Then thoroughly wash the base of the mane right down into the nape of the neck, massaging the skin.

You may also have a horse with medical reasons that necessitate roaching. Even when she had a mane, as I do a fair bit of intrepid riding across country, I followed a hunting friends advice and use a neckstrap! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Polo ponies and some field hunters are usually roached so that the mane doesn’t interfere with high-speed play and lots of tack and reins. This is a short, cute piece which we hope you'll enjoy, whether or not you need to hog a mane. DICTIONARY ; THESAURUS ; GRAMMAR .

Heredity plays a role, giving some horses a longer, thicker mane, and others a shorter, thinner one. You must log in or register to reply here.

Your brochure will be on its way shortly. She suffers from sweet itch and although theres no sores shes rubbed her mane out in … GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . And I thank you a thousand times over.

And also, thanks for raising the point that it is much easier for para riders to maintain. Forums WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; More. It is thicker and coarser than the rest of the horse's coat, and naturally grows to roughly cover the neck.

Personally I think the horses probably prefer a grab on a neckstrap to a grab on the base of their mane. Silver Mane: 170% speed, 120% jump Requirements: Lv. 26 July 2015 #1. 120, level 3 hog.