It was one of those books that makes you want to be a better person.

So she decides to run far away and hide until she's old enough to get a say in the matter.

I must say it is one hell of a story.

She was not counting of running into a handsome, caring cop who awakens in her feelings the likes she never experienced before.Mia is determined to make a life with her daughter away from her controlling family.

And you don't know where you are, When you've done all you can do, And there's no one else to turn to I will shelter you. I just got off duty and thought that you might be scared here all alone.

We will be shocked of who is Lily’s father and we will take a bow at Mia’s innocence and her courage in stand up for herself and determine to raise Lily.

Mia had major balls for taking her baby, Lily, and escaping from the hospital.

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I just got off duty and thought that you might be scared here all alone.

Logan Tate is a sweet alpha male who knows how to put the charm on and wants Mia and all that comes with her.

There were tear jerking scenes galore the good and bad kind.

Steered. “I know that she’s the kind of complication I wouldn’t trade for the world.”

There she ends up meeting a police office who she's instantly attracted to but she knows nothing can ever come of it for numerous reasons.

Mia is a strong independent young women who is determined to make it on her own. Have you noticed I've been gone? I'm so happy to of been on this journey with them.I couldn't finish the book.

This is the second book I've read by the author.

Logan does a lot for Mia and Lily .... After a burglary at her apartment he declares they are going home with him.

I mean he is seriously caring, "I know, I'm sorry.

I found myself with a goofy grin and then crying without even realizing I was.

He did help Mia but his patience and devotion for Mia and Lily where way off the chart.

This is the second book I've read by the author.

Logan, the cop, decides to help Mia out by finding her a job, and even a place to stay after something happens to her apartment.

She was never anything more than his sister's friend I can't finish this one.

Logan is a police officer and tries to by help Mia since the beginning.

The song includes three verses and a refrain: “O shelter me, O shelter me: the way ahead is dark and difficult to see.

Instinctually you want to know the secret Mia holds yet, you continually cheer her for her strength and courage, leaving all that she knew and planned, to do what she did. !Welcome back.

Even after I finished reading I still thought about everything that happened.