0000023208 00000 n If you recite the long mantra 108 times (one mala) it purifies 40,000 eons of negative karma. Palace Monastery [sic], Gangtok, Sikkim: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama for Dzongsar To benefit sentient beings, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas manifest in the prayer wheel to purify all our negative karma and obscurations, and to cause us to actualize the realizations of the path to enlightenment… Anyone with a disease such as AIDS or cancer, whether or not they have any understanding of Dharma, can use the prayer wheel for meditation and healing.

Geshe Lama Konchog has trained his mind well in the path, so I thought that the serenity of Chenrezig Institute might be due to his bodhicitta.However, one day near the end of my stay there, the thought came into my mind, "Oh, the change might be due to the prayer wheel—it wasn't there before."
Here is a listing of benefits of spinning the prayer as described in two ancient Tibetan Buddhist texts. 0000009881 00000 n

If you recite the long mantra 7 times it purifies 100 lifetimes negative karma.If you recite the long mantra 21 times it purifies 1000 eons of negative karma. In Solu Kumbu all the old men and women turn prayer wheels every day. 0000007106 00000 n xref Turning the prayer wheel once is the same as having done many years of retreat. 0000007743 00000 n 0000002779 00000 n 0000102167 00000 n Turning the prayer wheel has the power to quickly bless; it has the vastness of great skill in means; its actions are quick; the power of turning the wheel brings freedom from demons/obstacles, anti-Buddhists, vow-breakers, 80,000 ghosts, 360 evil spirits, 18 untimely deaths, averts all obstacles; and will guard you.

And for more than twenty years, the Compassion Buddha and Amitabha have guided not only Tibet and China, but also Western countries, especially by spreading Dharma.In Mani Kabum I saw a short explanation of the lineage of the prayer wheel practice and a few lines on how to visualize and meditate when you do the practice. When I mentioned to him that having a prayer wheel helps when one dies, he suddenly became distant.

He did 2,000 nyung-näs, the intensive two-day retreat on the Compassion Buddha, that involves taking the eight Mahayana precepts and doing many prostrations and mantras. 209 38 Since the family's prosperity came from fishing, he felt his family owed a lot to the fish, and he already had in mind of doing something to repay or to benefit the fish.When I mentioned the idea of the water prayer wheel, he almost cried, and then he asked, "Why are you telling me to build this prayer wheel?" Turning a prayer wheel containing 100 million The prayer wheel here at Land of Medicine Buddha contains 11.8 billion mantras, so turning it one time is the same as having recited that many mantras. When they are at home in the morning and in the evening before they go to bed, they hold a mala in their left hand, a prayer wheel in their right, and recite I often used to think, "How does turning of the prayer wheel become Dharma practice?" Buddha said, "One benefit is that the karma and disturbing thought obscurations that have been accumulated for beginningless rebirths …
0000023633 00000 n It helps all the insects and animals as well as the human beings. From this text, I got some idea of how powerful the prayer wheel practice is in purifying the mind and in accumulating extensive merits.In 1987, when I was at Chenrezig Institute in Australia, I noticed that the place had become incredibly peaceful. I mentioned the idea of building it in the ocean near Taiwan, but he thought to build it in Hawaii where the water of the Pacific Ocean would touch the prayer wheel and bring great benefit.A fire prayer wheel is turned by the heat of either a candle or an electric light. In that few seconds, you perform so much powerful purification and accumulate; so much merit. %PDF-1.4 %���� Simply thinking of a prayer wheel helps a dying person to shoot the consciousness up the central channel and out through the crown to reincarnate in the pure land of Amithaba or the Compassion Buddha. All enemies will be overcome. 0000011129 00000 n Given at Land of Medicine Buddha, June 1994.

The prayer wheel is much smaller than the one here at Land of Medicine Buddha, but it also contains many mantras on microfilm and is very nicely made.

Chenrezig Institute had not been like that before, and I wondered why it had changed. First, here are benefits as translated and summarized from the Ma ņi'i phan yon1 or "The Benefits of Ma ņi." Transcribed and first edited by Jindati Doelter; second edit by Briege Wallbridge; third edit by Ailsa Cameron. 0000008927 00000 n 0000005974 00000 n 1 Ma ņi 'khor lo'i phan yon. 0000001917 00000 n (You can also do circumambulations with the same visualizations. He put a lot of effort into copying texts of the practices of various Vajrayana deities. Geshe-la has done a lot of Dharma practice. After I explained the benefits of prayer wheel a few years ago at Kopan, Lorna and Terry voluntarily took it upon themselves to make prayer wheels available to other students who wanted to do the practice. 211 0 obj<>stream 0000001624 00000 n It felt so serene that you wanted to be there, to live there. The idea of spinning mantras relates to numerous Tantric practices whereby … One of the benefits of the prayer wheel is that it embodies all the actions of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the 10 directions. One of the benefits of the prayer wheel is that it embodies all the actions of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the 10 directions. (From the ancient Tibetan Buddhist text Ma ni'i phan yon or "The Benefits of Mani.") �v0`�X5��L�\]V�d��:�ūD�=�5�8-n>��LY��Y���u!W=OY\rSҼ�� To benefit sentient beings, the buddhas and bodhisattvas manifest in the prayer wheel to purify all our negative karmas and obscurations, and to cause us to actualize the realizations of the path to enlightenment.