With Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando, Brian Keith, Julie Harris. Reflections in a Golden Eye (1941) is a short, Southern Gothic novel by Carson McCullers. The novel is set in the 1930s on a Southern army base and concerns the relationships between self-destructive misfits whose lives end in tragedy and murder. In Reflections in a Golden Eye, Captain Penderton is a homosexual man grappling with his feelings of attraction towards a young soldier. In a horrifying and effective scene, he goes to pieces in the middle of a lecture.In this scene and others, Brando regains the peak of his magnificent talent.
The audience laughed, perhaps because it's supposed to be "funny" to see a man cry. Or could it be, perhaps, that it was too good? Goof, not a point of trivia. It throws him he whips it and later, at a party, she whips him in front of the entire officer corps. It's not a masterpiece but a movie that portrays with enough truth and authenticity a lot of human actions and reactions, making it worth to be seen. But not this time. Hope you enjoy it. After his series of six or seven disastrous performances, even his admirers had given him up for lost. Brando plays a major who gives disjointed lectures about leadership and courage as his repressed homosexuality begins to emerge. Next door, a neurotic and self -doubting woman (The action is fairly simple, beginning with Brando's abortive attempt to ride his wife's horse. In his eyes, which were a curious blend of amber and brown, there was a mute expression that is found usually in the eyes of animals. Every time Liz blows her nose, she makes the cover of Look. In the version of the film released in Brazil's cinemas in the late 1960s, it was Anacleto who announced that Mrs. Alison had cut off her nipples with the garden shears. Upon seeing Private Williams, Penderton is overcome by a “hatred, passionate as love” (McCullers 73). Miss Taylor, as his wife, plays a domineering, emasculating female who rides a white stallion and carries, a whip (in case you missed the symbolism). He is, therefore, out of uniform, and any salute would have been inappropriate. Carson McCullers (1917-1967) was the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, including The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The Member of the Wedding, Reflections in a Golden Eye, and Clock Without Hands.Born in Columbus, Georgia, on February 19, 1917, she became a promising pianist and enrolled in the Juilliard School of Music in New York when she was seventeen, but lacking money … The performances are superb.
Directed by John Huston. She is married to a major (Marlon Brando) but has an established affair with a colonel (Brian Keith) since her husband seems not to accomplish with his marital duties, being a repressed homosexual feeling himself attracted against his will to a private soldier (Robert Forster). Reflections in a Golden Eye, novel by Carson McCullers, published in 1941. Set on an army base in Georgia, the book was inspired by a story about a young soldier who was arrested for being a Peeping Tom in the Fort Bragg married officers’ quarters. Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor in Reflections In A Golden Eye Available on Blu-ray From Warner ArchiveJourneyman actor Robert Forster, Oscar-nominated for ‘Jackie Brown,’ dead at 78 Here are some quotes from Reflections in a Golden Eye.. Williams on what yard work he wants done, he stands at attention and receives and returns a salute from Private Williams. Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967) Plot Summary (4) Bizarre tale of sex, betrayal, and perversion at a military post. There is a scene in which he slowly breaks down and begins to cry, and his face screws up in misery. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.It seemed fishy to begin with that "Reflections in a Golden Eye" crept into town so silently. Gladys Hill (screenplay), Besides Brando, there is Miss Taylor, proving once again as she did in "Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. So shouldn't we have read millions of words about it by now? The audience should have been taken outside and shot.Indeed, the audience was perhaps the greatest problem with this very good film. They had never seen anything funnier in their lives, I guess, than Brando nervously brushing down his hair when he thinks a handsome young private is coming to see him.But if you can set that aside, then "Reflections" is a better film than we had any right to expect. It follows the McCullers story faithfully and without compromise. Come visit Novelonlinefree.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reflections In A Golden Eye. Brando begins to disintegrate, his carefully built facade of "leadership qualities" destroyed. To begin with, somebody slipped up and did an honest screen play based on the novel by The story is set on an Army base in the South. Their off-kilter relationship plays out under the voyeuristic gaze of a soldier soon to become the focal point of tragedy. Here was a movie with Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando, no less, and the director was that great man himself, John Huston. Reflections in A Golden Eye (DVD) : A startling screen version that, like the book, crackles with mysterious, exotic energy. 14 March 2006 | valadas

Major Penderton is outside in the backyard and wearing no hat. It seemed fishy to begin with that "Reflections in a Golden Eye" crept into town so silently. For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet.

The Pendertons: He’s a hidebound career officer wrestling with inner demons; she’s a caged lioness needful of love, whatever the source. It was filled with matrons, who found it necessary to shriek loudly and giggle hideously through three-quarters of it, and their husbands, who delivered obligatory guffaws in counterpoint. Chapman Mortimer (screenplay), Carson McCullers (novel)

Although movie is set in 1940s, all of Elizabeth Taylor's hairstyles, makeup and wardrobe are right out of mid-Sixties. The colonel is married to a neurotic woman who has a filipino servant (Zorro David) who makes a curious character indeed in his devotion to his mistress. I think however that Montgomery Clift who was first designed to perform the role of Major Penderton would have done it much better than Marlon Brando since he was a much more sensitive kind of actor in his performances. But it was too soon. Perhaps it could.