She was defeated for re-election by George W Bush. Alala!" Immelman refers to President Barack Obama as a confident conciliator. Problems with impulse control, frequently in the area of sex. "- commanded USS Constitution during War of 1812 and ran USS Philadelphia aground during First Barbary War- entered observational study of Zuni, whose houses ended up being Cibola- sought to find Quivira in Kansas, but only found squash- plotted to steal Lincoln's corpse and ransom it to free a friend in prison- developed department store in NYC, similar to John Wanamaker in Philadelphia and Joseph Horne in Pittsburgh- Canadian Paul Revere that walked 20 miles to warn of American attack- aircraft company of Britain that produced Moth, Mosquito, and Comet models- Agis II and Sparta defeated Laches of Argos during Archidamian part of Peloponnesian War- Kennedy's majority opinion upheld partial abortion in New Jersey- initial inventor of barbed wire along with Michael Kelly, which improved upon Osage orange- first time that Canada recognized that First Nations owned property prior to colonization- ship built by Hansa that was converted to freight after Treaty of Stettin- interviewed Porfirio Diaz for Pearson's Magazine in 1910- leader of Porfirio Diaz's cientificos, which included VP Ramon Corral and Bernardo Reyes- shortest presidency in the world after Madero's assassination- first to self-immolate in protest of Czechoslovakia's invasion- monastery in Tibet that is site of recent self-immolations- died in hunger strike agitating for Andhra Pradesh's creation as a state- treaty that ended US-UK dispute between JFK and Harold MacMillan about "Skybolt Crisis"- resigned from MacMillan's cabinet due to increased government expenditures- new capital of Andhra Pradesh after formation of Telangana, which took Hyderabad- Tunku Abdul Rahman held these to end Malayan Emergency- Clinton ordered strikes in Afghanistan and Sudan after 1998 embassy bombings- French citizen convicted of conspiracy to kill as 20th hijacker in 9/11- led 1913 Woman's Suffrage Procession, which included Inez Mulholland on a white horse- friend of Bruno Hauptmann that received box of gold certificates- visited Bruno Hauptmann and was convinced of greater conspiracy - Kentucky General Assembly made new court that conflicted with Governor Joseph Desha- captured by John Paulding, Isaac Van Wart, and David Williams after talking about "the lower party" - US representative at Bretton Woods and underling of Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. - dissented against Truman in Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer - Mother Jones fought against Baldwin-Felts Detectives in West Virginia- Colorado Governor during Ludlow Massacre, where he employed John Chase and John R. Lawson was the only one convicted- reported on Ludlow Massacre in journal Mother Earth and on deaths of infants and Louis Tikas- founded by Spanish fur trader who married into Omaha people- synod held by Urban II during investiture controversy- worked with brothers to modernize army of Shah Abbas I and fight with Ottomans- killed son after he stole a boar kill from him on a hunt- people rioted in Omaha after policeman Edward Lowry was shot by someone of a specific ethnic group- Spain returned Louisiana to French in exchange for Tuscany- close advisor to Saddam Hussein and almost killed by Islamic Dawa Party before Iran-Iraq War- Barberinis and Pope Innocent X fought Ranuccio Farnese and Mattias de Medici- led Catalan Company mercenaries for Andronikos II Palaiologos to fight Turks- mayor of Bamberg and victim of 17th century Bamberg witch trials- Johann von Schonenberg conducted largest witch trial in European history- brutally executed on accusations of witchcraft and ten-year old son watched brutal torture- forced to confess that her child was the devil's child during Fulda Witch Trials from 1603-05- mother of famous astronomer convicted of witchcraft and later released in Wurttemburg- recruited to cover Siege of Mafeking, making her first female war correspondent in history- John Tunstall and Alexander McSween killed in New Mexico War that included Billy the Kid and Blackwater Massacre- PIDE agent that killed Humberto Delgado and FRELIMO leader Eduardo Mondlane- chatted with Wilfrid Laurier while just a paperboy and said "I can't waste any more time on you"- New York Senator that led Hard Hunkers against William Marcy's Soft Hunkers- Egyptian Jews recruited by Israel to bomb places in Egypt - exclave of Angola that fights for independence under FLEC- killed Inejiro Asanoma, Japanese socialist, on live TV - openly married slave Julia Chinn and campaigned on slogan "Rumpsey Dumpsey, Rumpsey Dumpsey, Colonel Johnson killed Tecumseh"- Charu Majumdar outlined Naxalite ideology in West Benal, leading to 1967 Naxalbari Uprising- led his namesake "hundred", including Jedediah Smith and Jim Bridger, leading to Rocky Mountain Fur Company- described fate of Donner-Reed party following Fort Bridger in his diary- abandoned during Arikara War by John S. Fitzgerald and Jim Bridger 300 miles from Fort Kiowa, South Dakota- met Miwok Indians after traveling through Hastings Cutoff and Humboldt River in Nevada- park in Victoria, Australia that contains the Twelve Apostles rocks- site of pilgrimage for St. James the Great in Spain - wrote about "remarkable trinity of motives" and "culminating point" in On War after Jena-Auerstadt- Henry Rowe Schoolcraft negotiated with Ottawas and Chippewa for Michigan territory- Calhoun authorized this surveying group that included Henry Schoolcraft- pro-Romanov forces that shut down Odessa's Prosvita Society- murder of Jews in Transnistria region by Romanians that included Bogdanovka concentration camp- Xiongnu lost to Dou Xian of Han under unnamed "Chanyu"- failed ambush by Han Wudi against Xiongnu under Shanyu- died in raid under Shah Abbas I at Fort Queizome while serving in BEIC- arrested in Affair of the Diamond Necklace along with Nicole Leguay d'Olivia- wrote under pen name "A Columbian Patriot" and wrote first history of US by a woman- beat James Otis over the head with a cudgel at a coffee house- collaborated with Nazis in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Polish messenger at Warsaw Ghetto who reported on conditions near Chlodna Street- attempted to kill then-Nazi commander Alexander Haig- proved that California was not an island through overland expedition- dethroned Rastislav and ruled Great Moravian Empire - Margraves of Austria fought with usurper Aribo with aid of Charles the Fat and Svatopluk I of Moravia- five Japanese students that studied at University College London in 1863- killed by An Jung-eun in Harbin at meeting with Vladimir Kokovtsov- founded meatpacking plant in Omaha, leading to South Omaha being "Magic City"- mythology of North Caucasus peoples, including Circassians- NY case involving religion in schools and one hour set aside for prayer- Champaigne, Illinoi's "released time" for prayers was struck down- Kentucky schools couldn't post Ten Commandments posters in school - oldest social housing complex still in use in Augsburg, Bavaria- established Common Hungarian Trade with Jakob Fugger, who loaned lots of money to Albrecht von Brandenburg- John of Portugal and Manuel de Godoy signed Portuguese conciliatory treaty- Solomon Juneau and Byron Kilbourn fought over placement of bridge- founded Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee, which competed with Joseph Schlitz- developed London sewer system, after Great Stink, preventing large cholera epidemics- James Powell fought Crazy Horse and Red Cloud in Red Cloud's War near Fort Phil Kearney, Wyoming- radical feminist who wrote play Up Your Ass and starred in Warhol film I, A Man before trying to kill him- Russia under Paul I organized economic anti-British alliance- O'Connor wrote majority in UMichigan law school affirmative action case- designed Stanford and chair of 1st Yosemite Commission- designed Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC and Newport summer cottages for Vanderbilts- forester for Vanderbilt's Biltmore Estate and founder of first practical forestry school at Biltmore- Sulla and Aulus Gabinius allowed Pompey the Great to combat piracy 50 miles off the coast- betrayed by general Demetrius and killed herself after entire Roman fleet arrived in 227 BC- Antipater of Macedon defeated Greeks under Leosthenes in Lamian War- Antipater made himself leader of Macedon in place of disabled Philip III Arrhidaeus- fell from power due to Caligula and Agrippa's plotting- Druze priest that united Maronites with Druze after defeat of Yusuf Sayfa- Phalangists killed Maradas and attacked mansion of Suleiman Frangieh in Lebanese Civil War- Maronite patriarch living in Bkerke who follows Phoenicianism- leader in Lebanese Civil War killed in bombing by Habib Tanious Shartouni- Lebanese leader in civil war and father of Druze son, Walid- landlords can evict residential tenants despite California's required housing laws- failed Propositions I and F intended to block housing changes for low income people in San Francisco- reformed prison practices and was first director of old "Newgate" Prison in New York- Federalist VP candidate in 1808 and presidential candidate in 1816 with John Howard of Maryland- supported by Rufus King in expedition to Venezuela with Moses Smith and William Stephens Smith- first US penitentiary designed by Robert Smith in Philadelphia; first prison to use "separate system"- boss James Bruno sent shooters to a Democratic parade; imprisoned in Philadelphia's ESP- funded Sing Sing Black Sheep football team with Alabama Pitts as starting QB- founded Rehabilitation through the Arts (RTA) at Sing Sing Prison- formed prison football team at Sing Sing while warden- Rajaraja defeated Chera dynasty with Colandia and Sangara ships- Sri Lankan police killed Tamils at conference under first woman leader in the world Bandanaraike- named "nitrogen" and added sugar to wines in namesake process- formulated "What Would Jesus Do?"

17. In Groupthink, Janis discusses several symptoms of groupthink found among President Kennedy's advisers concerning the Bay of Pigs. E. Split River.