While empowered, the shots move faster, travel farther, deal additional damage and release a magical blast upon impact, dealing damage in a small area.) Seriously, in League the builds are always the same due to lack of hybrid ratios (they do like to stuff kits with true damage though). Build diversity. I've finally aquired Samuel, tested him out, and won a few games. After defeating a shadow clone of himself, he swung his purpose there in a new direction and, after stealing a legendary wand named Verdict to accompany his own wand named Malice, interrogated his mother to discover where the Storm Queen's niece was. Greetings Vainglory Community, As some of you may be aware, Rogue recently made the call to shut down servers for Vainglory.Over the past few days, we have been clambering to sort out the best solution for the game and the player base that continues to support Vainglory (many from the very beginning! Can we lure them this way, is the fight going to move into this area?) Welcome to the Vainglory Hero Builds guide! (Samuel creates a large field of darkness that slowly drifts forward, damaging enemies who stand inside it. Welcome to Broken Myth’s Vainglory Hero Tier List!Below you’ll find the meta picks for Update 3.7, curated by our team of analysts.For help on your itemization, check out our hero builds page.Without further ado, here’s the most up to date Vainglory meta. Under the tutelage of For most of his life, Samuel wandered the world when not with Lyra. He is well suited in the lane, able to bully his victim while draining health and energy to sustain himself. You’ll find the best and most popular Vainglory Samuel builds on this page! and is he too OP at the moment?

If Samuel also stands inside, he heals for each damaged target.) Samuel is able to deal damage on the move, but he may be caught out of position if played to aggressively. WikiBase Wiki + Database. This is an on-going work-in-progress set of tools to help test & maintain a JSON database containing all data on display here for any web/app developers or game analysts/coaches in our community to use! I actually think Samuel could use a buff to his A or a shorter cool down on his B with a small damage nerf on the B+A for balance.Here's the build i've been using : Broken Myth Eve of harvest Frostburn if I need to kite a lot / Shatterglass if I don't Halcyon Chargers for the cooldown reduction Defense against the nastiest carryI like to start with broken myth but some people prefer eve. The ult is great for ganks or stunning a pesky hero during team-fights, but for that you need teammates that understand how it works and not to hit that hero right after you use it (so far I haven't been matched with many). I like to build a shatterglass into a broken myth (INSANE DAMAGE) with Halcyon Chargers, and then whatever defense I need plus cooldown of any kind.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Hey guys. ALWAYS use the A B combo in teamfights, just be smart about where to aim it- (are they retreating? 2. (After a short delay, Samuel summons a phantasm at the target location, which puts nearby enemies to sleep. As a high-damage hero, he wields two wands with gunslinger-like speed. (Samuel fires two quick shots from his wands at a target location that impact on the first enemy hit. Fish are friends … not food. Samuel can move between the shots.

Mid Laner CP – Frostburn & Spellfire, Halcyon Chargers before the 2nd item of your choice, Eve of Harvest/Clockwork, Broken Myth, Aegis, Crystal Infusion