Raised by a chaste nun, Felecia only wanted the stardom that came with a singing career. Something tells me that it's an obscure, secondary character who takes up that title...It's MegaJolt, thank you kindly. Edit.

He was constructed based on research conducted on Mega Man with the intention of matching his power. Based on kill count alone, Dante has got to be the most successful paranormal investigator of all time (sorry Ghostbusters).Everyone loves Mega Man, but some fans prefer the bad boy style of his rival/ally Proto Man (a.k.a. But when will she get the spotlight she deserves in a true Darkstalkers comeback?Okami launched to lower than expected sales, but that didnt stop the game and its protagonist from gaining a very dedicated following. But the little robot boy has quality to back him up. Knowing this, he decided to leave the future of the Aensland family in Morrigan's hands. No matter what hardships Mega Man may face in and outside of games, hell never give up hope, and thanks to his inspiration, neither will we.Jill Valentine got her start as a member of S.T.A.R.S., an elite law enforcement squad that got cornered in a mysterious, remote mansion. Although he greatly exceeded Dr. Light's expectations on several levels, it was later discovered that Proto Man's energy core had a critical problem that would eventually make him stop functioning. Let me also clarify I'm really happy Pheonix got in, but if we're talking about how they're written I do think Pheonix in terms of "power level" is below most if not all of them, thooouuughh probably tougher than an average person due to being more durable than an average person. The statue is located in the hall of the castle, however, Dante does not recognize it as the Demon Emperor, referring to it simply as "a…Proto Man was intended to become the first humanoid robot capable of independent thought and reasoning. She convinces Blue to give her a V-Watch of her own, allowing her to fight alongside Joe as Sexy Silvia. Being a prototype robot, Proto Man's design was not complete. Alright let’s face it, even if this is just a list about the strongest Marvel characters out there, Galactus will still… Ryu has been the strongest link between this and Street Fighter.He is not just a good representation of the series, he is the best representation of the most viable fighting character of all-time. The medium wouldnt be what it is today without these people/cyborgs/deities, so join us in celebrating such a diverse set of characters as...Mega Man/Rockman has probably appeared in more games than any other Capcom-created character, so he deserves to be on this list due to sheer quantity alone. His methods might not be all that realistic, but wed still want Wrights legal skills backing us up if we ever get wrongfully charged with murder.When people think fighting games, Ryu has got to be one of the first faces they imagine. New York, Wily makes mention of discovering the energy that powers Bass, Bassnium, the most powerful form of energy on Earth, entirely by mistake. She knew that the outside world was not pretty as it was filled with much prejudice towards darkstalkers for being different. A master marksman and an expert swordsman with punk rock style, Dante carved up demons with an unstoppable confidence that won him many fans.For all his bravado, Dante is one of the good guys, battling demons with the power he inherited from his father, an ancient demon named Sparda. Introduced in the third Mega Man game, Proto was a mysterious enemy that challenged Mega Man when players least expected it. Please refresh the page and try again.GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Its hard to say whos the better robot slayer, but Proto Mans scarf and shield at least make him the more fashionable of the two.Felecia was a furry long before the internet made it into a fetish. Weakest is certainly the likes of civilians like Phoenix Wright, maybe Frank West but Frank's sense of combat skill should be slightly higher. Conversely, other characters are harder to … She might be pretty, but you should be fooled by her looks as she is one of the most powerful characters in the game. Unlike Dante, his younger brother, he embraces his demonic heritage, while despising his human one. partner Chris Redfield in the B.S.A.A. How many other musicians have suffered similar career setbacks?Felicia has the grace, agility and claws that fit her cross species, with body language comes off more cat than human, and it extends to her personality as well. Since then the brothers have been allies, though weve always sensed a certain competitiveness between them. Always searching for a great fight, Ryu has appeared in in countless side games, usually leading Capcoms battles against X-Men, SNK rivals, or the entire roster of Tekken.The development team behind Devil May Cry had been working on the relatively serious Resident Evil games for so long that DMC must have felt like a chance to finally cut loose. He hit the NES over 25 years ago, and his first (of many) sequels is regarded as one of the And the Blue Bomber is so beloved that spin-offs like Mega Man X, Legends, and Battle Network have earned legions of their own fervent fans. Street Fighter Alpha 3 "Balrog is the former heavyweight boxing champion. ... ("Strongest …