There's something luminous and unknowable about all of Miller's writing which I love and which sets it apart from much of the rest of the dominant strand of literary and historical fiction in the UK. Climb aboard for sure. The character of Maud is fascinating, complex and completely impossible to figure out. There are contrasts, there are divisions, there are comparisons and juxtapositions going on throughout the novel – both on the page, between and within the characters and in some way beyond the base substance of the book. The writing is excellent and compelling and vivid in just the right ways.Andrew Miller was born in Bristol in 1960. Please try again.

But what makes this novel ultimately unsatisfying is that as a reader you never really quite get to understand how or why you’re being played…You get the sense on reading this novel that the author is playing with you in some way.

This is a tale of a mis matched couple; one of those improbable couplings that caused us to wrinkle our brows in days gone by, curious to know the whys and wherefores. Who else has entered Tim's life the way Maud did? 3 stars because, as ever with the author, it is beautifully written. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Welcome back. After a life threatening walk across country she is found by a group of isolated children who manage to look after her and bring her back from the brink.

The characters are as wooden as a ship's mast. Miller's writing is beautifully restrained yet it pulls you through Maud's story as effectively as the tidal waters she sails in: at times, you'll feel becalmed, during others, you'll be cruising, then flying along, and occasionally buffeted and bruised when the storms hit. Superb. Yet there is nothing to suggest Maud has any need of him, that she is not already complete. There's What I love about Andrew Miller is that every one of his books is different, startling and worth reading. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. There is a terrible storm at sea which she and her boat only just survive with the boat finally limping into land she knows not where. I found this book okay - it was a good read but an odd story He also has a good eye for a subject (his most famous novel, I have always found Andrew Miller a frustrating novelist to follow. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers, and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness.Sorry, we failed to record your vote.

I'm glad I read it but would find it hard to recommend as I couldn't really work it all outGetting through this book was a struggle. There are contrasts, there are divisions, there are comparisons and juxtapositions going on throughout the novel – both on the page, between and within the characters and in some way beyond the base substance of the book. The main character is so without personality and lacking in any kind of response to anyone around her that it's difficult to work up any interest in her destiny especially when there seems to be no reason for everyone blaming her for the tragedy (which is never described) that sets her off. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Highly recommended, though if you are new to Miller I would start with one of his historical novels, either Ingenious Pain or Pure.Another highly literary page-turner from Andrew Miller, whose ‘Pure’ was my favourite book in 2011 so I was mad with anticipation over The Crossing, his first book since Pure, and… it’s good, of course – not as wonderful as Pure, but then, Pure is such a very hard act to follow.Another highly literary page-turner from Andrew Miller, whose ‘Pure’ was my favourite book in 2011 so I was mad with anticipation over The Crossing, his first book since Pure, and… it’s good, of course – not as wonderful as Pure, but then, Pure is such a very hard act to follow.Tim falls for Maud.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Such a disappointing final section. This girl who fell past him, lay seemingly dead on the ground, then stood and walked.

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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 27, 2019 Maud goes to work every day while Tim stays at home to take care of their little girl. Much of the pleasure of these early sections of The Crossing, Miller's seventh novel, comes from learning to keep step with the strange, sparse lull of the prose.

by Sceptre On the other hand, you could ask whether the rest of the story is reality or dream so I'm in two minds about it. This one is a curious hybrid of several different genres, held together by the heroine Maud, who is feisty but reserved and aloof. This is an extremely well-written book and I enjoyed reading it, but thinking about it afterwards, I wasn't sure what it was all about. ... is more powerful that what's said. A very strange read for me.A very frustrating thing to read. Worth reading for the wonderful descriptions, particularly of the sea in all its moods, but don't expect to understand any more of the central character's mind by the end of the book.

Tough, sexy, and annoyingly self-possessed scientist, Maud Stamp, is enigmatic in the extreme. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Soon they start a family.