-- rough | rude || related words: abrasively (adv.

μ��ۧ��3Q����nq��/��ҧ�W������)%���"\�@dF� e�X�m�n�{!S�% with all of the words, meanings, and example .. English words and meanings in hindi pdf . ), anomaly (n.) 0166 -- anomie (n.) -- unsocial or immoral behaviour 0167 -- anorexia (n.) -- fear of being fat || related word: anorexic (adj./n.) Knowing all of these is the safest way to guarantee a good … English words and meanings in hindi pdf . Vocabulary (PDF. The Oxford Dictionary of Difficult Words is designed to meet this need. 0014 -- ablutions (n.) -- action of cleaning or washing yourself 0015 -- abnegate (v.) -- to reject sth that you like; to renounce || related word: abnegation (n.) 0016 -- abode (n.) -- the place where you reside/live; residence 0017 -- abolish (v.) -- to get rid of a law, rule, etc. File Size : 26.23 MB

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-- foolish 0226 -- askew (adj./adv.) -- shocked 0107 -- agile (adj.) Working with New Vocabulary and Difficult . -- ashamed in a social situation; embarrassed 0004 -- abate (v.) -- to become very weak; to fade away; to subside || related word: abatement (n.) 0005 -- abdicate (v.) -- to step down from the position of being king; to renounce; to give up || related word: abdication (n.) 0006 -- aberrant (adj.) File Size : 26.92 MB See the definition, listen to the word, . Click Download or Read Online button to get the oxford dictionary of difficult words book now. 0066 -- acrobat (n.) -- circus performer || related words: acrobatic (adj. English to hindi Eng hindi meaning CHANDER G .

-- wealthy || related word: affluence (n.) 0097 -- affray (n.) -- fight or violence in a public place 0098 -- affront (n./v.) . ), abomination (n.) 0019 -- aboriginal (adj.) -- shocked, distressed || related words: appalling (adj. Bird February 25, 2006. ii. 0210 -- argot (n.) -- special words used by a particular profession; jargon 0211 -- arid (adj.) (1 - 288) A = Academic Word List (289-500) Num TERM DEFINITION SRC 1 abate to decrease; . ), agonizingly (adv.) 0124 -- allegiance (n.) -- faithfulness towards your senior or a group you belong to 0125 -- alleviate (v.) -- to reduce the intensity of sth bad || related word: alleviation (n.) 0126 -- allure (n.) -- attraction or fascination | related words: alluring (adj. 0262 -- avenue (n.) -- path; a way of making progress 0263 -- aver (v.) -- to firmly express a truth 0264 -- averse (adj.)

Download : 389 . translation sentences which are 10 to 20 words .

-- obvious; noticeable 0187 -- apparition (n.) -- spirit or ghost 0188 -- appease (v.) -- to calm down sb by accepting their demands || related word: appeasement (n.) 0189 -- append (v.) -- to add sth as an attachment || related word: appendage (n.) 0190 -- appetizing (adj.) -- old-fashioned 0174 -- antiquity (n.) -- the ancient past; an object, a work of art, etc. Download PDF The Oxford Dictionary Of Difficult Words book full free. Verbs & Adjectives with hindi meaning and sentence used in daily life. adj. All of the words featured in this book are difficult to spell, hard to say and their meanings are obscure to most children (and most adults)! 0039 -- abstruse (adj.) Author : Archie Hobson However, there is a bounty of choice words between the common and the esoteric that often seem be just on the tip of our tongue. File Size : 62.38 MB several meanings over the years: .. uses a limited vocabulary and a set of writing . 0038 -- abstracted (adj.)