Replace "servername" with what you want to name your server. To start, you need to find your Unturned folder. This opens all ports and is an option if for some reason normal port-forwarding fails. To open up ports/port forward, you will need to access your router. Top Unturned Servers This page consists of Unturned Servers with the most likes starting from top to bottom. Now, if you want to double-click to start the server, in TextEdit (Located in Applications), paste the same command you just ran (hopefully testing it first), then save it as "StartServer.command". You will need to startx in its own shell, using tmux or screen or equivalent, so that you can also run Unturned.exe.

Go to Security and Privacy, Firewall, then unlock the settings via the padlock at the bottom left of the window. After that, update your OS and your repositories. You will need the following information which can be retrieved from your router (usually a sticker on the side): Unturned - Steam TCP: 27015-27030,27036-27037 UDP: 4380,27000-27031,27036 Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. …

Find your external IP by visiting If you have correctly set up your server and can't even connect to it, you might want to check if your firewall is blocking the port. Creating Unturned Server With Port Forwarding Introduction. Note: Other players will not use "localhost", only you will. The folder is likely located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\.

Go to the install folder and right click and press open in terminal.

Put the username and password in there. The game should run and then immediately go to a gray screen. A better option is to use SteamCMD, which is a light-weight Linux Steam client that downloads and updates the required Unturned files. RP. Forwarding ports is a useful trick in gaming because it can really help to make your network connection most stable and sometimes even faster. If your screen doesn't go gray and the server does not work, make sure you put the With Unturned 3.0, the procedure is exactly the same, but after the parameters, you need to add: +secureserver/servername If you are unable to locate these things, try checking Alternatively, you can put your hosting system into the DMZ. If your Fedora/Redhat server throws an architecture error, try adding There are a lot of things to say here, but I recommend creating a new user similar to the instructions in the old guide. You may now remove any excess files, other than,, unturned/, steamcmd/, or Steam/. If not, click on it, and choose that option. Replace XX with the name of the architecture (x86 if you have a 32 bit computer, x86_64 if 64 bit) We need the RocketLauncher to start the server, so we will download it.

A Listen Server is one where the host joins the game at the same time as the players. Most of these steps are going to be the same for Ubuntu/Fedora/Debian/RHEL/CentOS, unless said. LAST CHANCE S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The problem with this option is that you must update the server files with WinSCP every time an update is released. Here, you can choose the Unturned application, and voila!

Use a separate line for each command. Close the window, making sure to apply settings, padlock the settings, and you're done! First, let's create some folders and download SteamCMD. Follow the steps below (these might not be the exact field names, you will have to look for something similar in context): You should now be able to connect to your own server by running the game through Steam.