Victory Day is a public holiday in Rhode Island, where it is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. It commemorates the American victory at the Battle of Bennington during the Revolutionary War in north America in 1777. The drift toward war with Mexico had begun a year earlier when the U.S. annexed the Republic of Texas as a In 1975, John Sebastian, former member of the beloved '60s pop group the Lovin’ Spoonful, was asked to write and record the theme song for a brand-new ABC television show with the working title Kotter. After the Battle of the Wilderness (May 5-6), Ulysses S. Grant’s Army of the Potomac marched south in the drive to take Richmond. Bennington Battle Day is a state holiday in Vermont. The official end of the war did not occur until September 2, 1945, when General Douglas MacArthur accepted the Japanese surrender from General Yoshijiro Umezu aboard the USS President Truman declared September 2 as the official VJ Day in 1945. In the newspapers across world that day, there were hundreds of photos of soldiers and civilians rejoicing together. The Russians took approximately 2 million prisoners in the period just before and after the German surrender.Meanwhile, more than 13,000 British POWs were released and sent back to Great Britain.Pockets of German-Soviet confrontation would continue into the next day. 8 May 1945 was VE Day – a day of celebration to mark the Allied victory in Europe. After building flatboats, de Soto and his 400 ragged troops crossed the great river under the cover of On the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, armed members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) surrender to federal authorities, ending their 71-day siege of Wounded Knee, site of the infamous massacre of 300 Sioux by the U.S. 7th Cavalry in 1890. President Harry S Truman’s announcement of the surrender set off street celebrations from coast to coast in the United States. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Hawaii’s Statehood Day is celebrated on the third Friday of August to commemorate the anniversary of Hawaii’s statehood. Victory Day is a state holiday in Rhode Island in the United States on the second Monday of August each year. The first day of Muharram, which is the first month in the Islamic calendar, marks the start of the Islamic New Year. Events may include a commemorative ceremony for veterans. AIM was founded in 1968 by On May 8, 1919, Edward George Honey, a journalist from Melbourne, Australia, living in London at the time, writes a letter to the London Evening News proposing that the first anniversary of the armistice ending World War I—concluded on November 11, 1918—be commemorated by President Nixon, at a news conference, defends the U.S. troop movement into Cambodia, saying the operation would provide six to eight months of time for training South Vietnamese forces and thus would shorten the war for Americans. There have been many attempts to change the holiday’s name but so far it remains to be known as Victory Day. Despite the Soviet statement, it was obvious that the boycott was a response to the decision of the On May 8, 1792, Congress passes the second portion of the Militia Act, requiring that every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years be enrolled in the militia. By the summer of 1941, the military of Germany’s fascist dictator Adolf Hitler had conquered or subdued virtually all of Europe from Spain’s eastern border to the western border of the Soviet Union. Consequently, V-E Day was not celebrated until the ninth in Moscow, with a radio broadcast salute from Stalin himself: “The age-long struggle of the Slav nations… has ended in victory. It features a sailor presumably returning home from the war and kissing a woman at Times Square in New York on August 14, 1945. On May 9, the Soviets would lose 600 more soldiers in Silesia before the Germans finally surrendered. National Aviation Day is observed in the United States on August 19 each year to celebrate the history and development of the aviation. As any songwriter would, Sebastian first tried working that title into his On May 8, 1963, with the release of Dr. No, North American moviegoers get their first look–down the barrel of a gun–at the super-spy James Bond (codename: 007), the immortal character created by Ian Fleming in his now-famous series of novels and portrayed onscreen by the Stella Nickell is convicted on two counts of murder by a Seattle, Washington, jury.

Victory in Europe Day is the day celebrating the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces on Tuesday, 8 May 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe. Many people believe that there is a need for such a day to remember the sacrifices that veterans made during World War II, including those who were taken as prisoners of war, were tortured, injured or killed.However critics claim that the day itself is discriminatory due to its reference to Japan in light of modern times. A day in which the BBC would try to capture the mood not just of Britain, but of the wider world. Nonetheless there are people who hope to one day celebrate the holiday under a new name or educate young Americans more about the Japanese culture in modern society.Rhode Island celebrates Victory Day as a state holiday but many communities within the US hold special events to honor the day.State and municipal offices are closed in Rhode Island on Victory Day.

For just over five years and eight months a war had been raging in Europe that began with Germany’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. All Rights Reserved. Italy, under the control of the fascist Benito Mussolini, was allied with Germany, and the two nation…