14 Facebook Contest Ideas for Valentine’s Day 1) Using Valentines Day to generate more fans. Surprisingly enough, Valentines Day offers those looking to better engage... 2) Using Valentines Day to gather user generated content. But consider this…Our State Magazine can send the entrants a follow-up promotion related to the prize – perhaps a discounted rate for the hotel stay, 25% off a couple’s massage, or a coupon to one of the retailers. All in one place.Everyone wants to make their loved one's day special. But consider this…Our State Magazine can send the entrants a follow-up promotion related to the prize - perhaps a discounted rate for the hotel stay, 25% off a couple's massage, or a coupon to one of the retailers. Package includes… Rock and Romance Cruise - 2021 Cabin Giveaway Enter for your chance to win a seven-night Rock and Romance Cruise for two people. If even 1 percent of the current entries (45 people) take the contest runner up on that promotion, and the purchase value of whatever they buy is $50, Our State Magazine makes more than $500 profit on their contest.If 2% take the contest runner up on the promotion and the purchase value of what they buy is $100 (the more likely scenario), Our State Magazine makes almost $7,500 profit.Hopefully this article gives you a few ideas and examples, ensuring you can run the most successful Valentine’s Day contest possible.If you have any questions whatsoever, don’t hesitate to reach out in the comment section below.As far as running a Valentine’s Day contest goes, from choosing the right type to getting the right prize, promoting and following up to drive post-contest success, check out the articles and courses below. 1. Valentine’s Day social media giveaways are always a great way to entertain your audience and build loyalty.Comments giveaways attract engaged customers who automatically become your brand promoters by tagging their family and friends.. Once the giveaway is over, just use an app to collect all the comments and select a random winner.. Valentine’s Day giveaway on Instagram Round of appreciation. Wishpond makes it easy to create landing pages and contests, manage your leads and Valentine’s Day is a great time to run a cutest couple photo contest. It’s a great idea to play a game of appreciation since it’s the day of spreading … Enter to win our Valentine’s Day prize package, valued at more than $250. Enter to win our Valentine's Day prize package, valued at more than $250. Cutest Couple Photo Contest. No commitment. Valentine’s Day Wish List. And, whether that's through roses, chocolate, a romantic dinner or matching footie pajamas, it's all (ultimately) a consumer holiday, expected to bring in at least This article will give you 5 real-world Valentine's Day contest examples, 10 ideas proven to work, and 10 best practices to ensure your Valentine's Day contest is a successful one.Granted, Our State Magazine is giving away a prize worth $1,700. These contests are ideal for targeting a specific audience, social growth as people share and campaign to win, and growing qualified leads for advertisers. contacts, and automate email campaigns. If even 1 percent of the current entries (45 people) take the contest runner up on that promotion, and the purchase value of whatever they buy is $50, Our State Magazine makes more than $500 profit on their contest.If 2% take the contest runner up on the promotion and the purchase value of what they buy is $100 (the more likely scenario), Our State Magazine makes almost $7,500 profit.Hopefully this article gives you a few ideas and examples, ensuring you can run the most successful Valentine's Day contest possible.If you have any questions whatsoever, don't hesitate to reach out in the comment section below.As far as running a Valentine's Day contest goes, from choosing the right type to getting the right prize, promoting and following up to drive post-contest success, check out the articles and courses below.Start creating online marketing campaigns for your business with Wishpond’s 14-day free trial. Everyone wants to make their loved one’s day special. … 10 Valentine's Day Contest Ideas Enter to win a romantic weekend getaway with your special someone at [Your Spa/Hotel/Massage/Travel Specialist]. Did you know that 86 % of men gave the wrong gift for Valentine’s Day? And, whether that’s through roses, chocolate, a romantic dinner or matching footie pajamas, it’s all (ultimately) a consumer holiday, expected to bring in at least This article will give you 5 real-world Valentine’s Day contest examples, 10 ideas proven to work, and 10 best practices to ensure your Valentine’s Day contest is a successful one.Granted, Our State Magazine is giving away a prize worth $1,700.