Each letter inside your Christian name has a number equivalent. You can be extremely introverted which can make you a bit on the self-centered side, certainly you come across as self-contained . Once you've have the right things in place, you have great perception and useful solutions to complications. The obstacle in life is always to sustain your freedom without feeling isolated or perhaps unimpressive. Name: Douglas Gender: Male Usage: Douglas, of gaelic origin, is a very popular first name. For this reason, you aren't extremely adaptable, and you can be overly critical as well as illiberal. You have superb features to review and also understand deep and hard subject matters, and to search for concealed basic principles.Wondering what the future holds? This comes from the Proto-Celtic Dumno-ualos ("world-ruler" or "world-wielder"). While you're nice in social scenarios, revealing your interest and energy readily, you could be acutely mindful of the requirement to "come off stage" and also return to the solitude of your own life. You own a superb brain; you are an analytical thinker, effective at great things, as well as theoretical understanding. You have superb features to review and also understand deep and hard subject matters, and to search for concealed basic principles.Wondering what the future holds? You are usually very rational, and often employ a realistic way of approaching things you do. You've got a clear as well as persuasive feeling about things in life, Douglas. You'll need time and energy to consider your opinions without the attack of other's thoughts. You will need your space as well as privacy. It derives from the Hebrew name Rivkah, from the verb ribbqah, meaning “noose.” The biblical Rebecca was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Douglas is "black river". When your life is well-balanced, you could be equally captivating and attractive. You own a superb brain; you are an analytical thinker, effective at great things, as well as theoretical understanding. Once you've have the right things in place, you have great perception and useful solutions to complications.

In Gaelic, the name is Dudhglas means "black stream."

Everything in life, can be reduced to a number, and each number has a meaning. You love your privacy as well as prefer to function on your own. Once you start to grow older, you may portray a great deal of intelligence.
In the seventeenth century, this name was as popular for girls as for boys. You must specifically look out for self-centeredness and egocentricity.Secretly, chances are you feel green with envy with people who have more than you; chances are you don't understand why people want certain things. If isolation is delivered to the extreme, you can become sceptical and suspect.

A submission from Utah, U.S. says the name Douglas means "From dark waters."

You must maintain your distinctive approach to the entire world, while at the same time being able to accept co-workers.With your ability to understand, evaluate and search for answer's to crucial questions, there is a potential for massive progress and achievements in everyday life.
In Anglo-Saxon Baby Names the meaning of the name Douglas is: Dweller by the dark stream.In Celtic Baby Names the meaning of the name Douglas is: Dwells by the dark stream.In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Douglas is: Dark water. You must think about what you want out of life, sometimes, Douglas you can come across as withdrawn and independent, hence shutting away the love of other people, especially members of your family. Douglas (English pronunciation: /ˈdʌɡləs/) is often a Scottish masculine christian name which originated as the surname Douglas.