The book is sweet, but little bit predictable.My score is more 3.5 than 3 and I'm sure I would have scored it higher if I'd been what I think is the target market for the book. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of Alf becomes the friend of a lonely blind woman. What makes a great love story are obviously the couple involved and Alf and Letty are no exception to the rule. That’s exactly howUnashamedly romantic, Only You is such a beautiful modern day love story without all the fluffiness that can often be par for the course in books of this genre. Thank you to The Pigeonhole for the chance to read this title in exchange for a honest review.I was fortunate to receive a copy of this book to read from NetGalley.This was a slow starter for me and I have to admit to skimming through a lot of the early chapters. Only you is a tale of Alf and Letty who meet while they are both in Rome escaping from events in their lives and is written in 3 parts looking at their pasts, present and future which I will leave the reader to discover for fear of spoilers. In 1985, Moyet performed at Live Aid alongside Paul Young and later returned unscheduled to the stage (alongside Bob Geldof , David Bowie and Pete Townshend ) to provide vocals on " Let It Be " when Paul McCartney 's vocal microphone at his piano failed, leaving him unable to be heard for the first stanza of the song. depth. The final section of the story also includes the voice of Letty’s mother Frances, and I found that her perspective added an unexpected depth and richness to the story. I've even taking notes to places they visited so I can visit myself.If Only is a delightful romantic read with the right amount of messiness and turmoil needed to hook the reader. I liked the plot, full of twists and turns, the great characters and the setting.I enjoyed the debut “Miss You” by Kate Eberlen and was certainly not disappointed by this, her second novel.I enjoyed the debut “Miss You” by Kate Eberlen and was certainly not disappointed by this, her second novel.picked up this book because it had one of my favourite cities in it and my home town. It was that good.A special thank you to HarperCollins Canada for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.A special thank you to HarperCollins Canada for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.What's not to love about this book, its written beautifully, well adapted and complex characters plus with the added bonus of touring Rome. ), I found that the storyline was very well-paced and had an impressive (and, dare I admit, surprising!) Letty is 21 and Alf 19 and while I was very fond of them both I also felt a little removed from their lives because it's a while since I was there age.An excellent story, poignant and engrossing.

Directed by Peter Bonerz.

Unfortunately this just didn't do that until Part Two rolled around and then it all faded away from me again.

The story did not disappoint. I struggled to enjoy it from the beginning and wanted to give it a chance - but it just wasn’t for me sadly. Normally, I would have trusted my judgement and given this a lower rating than I have.

We’d love your help. The third and final part was the best overall for me, I think. I struggled with this book, in all honesty I am struggling with reading in general at the moment and it has to be something exceptional to really grab and hold my interest. Thanks to Pigeonhole and Kate for the opportunity to read this!Best parts of this book are the travelogue elements through London and Italy, especially during these times of lockdown.

I enjoyed the conflict that was built into this romance story and following the twists and turns makes it an exciting read. She is married with one son. .

Use the HTML below. I struggled with this book, in all honesty I am struggling with reading in general at the moment and it has to be something exceptional to really grab and hold my interest. Welcome back. by Mantle The story did not disappoint. Just when you think all is lost with their relationship the story turns again. Only you is a tale of Alf and Letty who meet while they are both in Rome escaping from events in their lives and is written in 3 parts looking at their pasts, present and future which I will leave the reader to discover for fear of spoilers. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The second part of the story was interesting when we go back in time to see what brought them both to Rome; however, at times, I felt myself trying not to skim forward. The album reached No.

It sounded right up my street. Such a shame really, as I initially enjoyed the first impressions. However, although it does have a good-feel factor to it (something very welcome during this time of lockdown restrictions!