Take this fun little quiz, and you will find out if you meet the real definition of what a good person is! What do you do? Would You Be A Good Mother? Tell them it is okay this time and to do better and if they do this bad again, they will be punished! You buy the Xbox, but you tell them they must buy the games with their own money.

You clean the wall for them and then act like nothing has happened. But my youngest and I get along great. Note: THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE SERIOUS!!!

On Jun 2, 2017. Basically, I probably only should of had one child. "...They better learn to get the F' up! You tell them they have pushed you too far and tell them they are going to be punished. « » Log in or sign up. Take this fun little quiz, and you will find out if you meet the real definition of what a good person is! Yes. What do you do? You could be the best parent in the world and score poorly on this quiz. Start Quiz

It is intended for fun only so do not treat the result too seriously :)Do not think about the answers too long. START. Created by Logan Elizabeth. You rearrange the piano lesson to a different day.

Your child's report card is all D's and E's. You tell them to make the birthday party a different day.

7. parts: 29 jenn . What do you do?

Spank them on the same spot they got hit until they cry.

I have not idea what went wrong. This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. You never let them have a birthday in the first place. Out of 3, two are grown and hate me.

THIS IS FOR SATIRICAL AND COMEDIC PURPOSES ONLY!!! You tell them to not play it until their homework in done.

Bad Moms: The Bad Mom Quiz Are you a good mom or a bad mom? A guy who has the whole package, passionate, kind, and understanding plus strong... and a good cook Maybe I should ask Dr. Phil,. Your child is unhappy with this and is crying. You give them a piggy back ride home, and when you get there, you put a bandaid on their knee.

If they continue to misbehave, you assume them home and spank them.

Tell them no and get out of the store. Your 13 year old just back talked. Hand, wooden spoon, hairbrush or ping pong paddle. What do you do?

A quiz to see if you are or will make a good parent.

Take this quiz and find out! Smack them on the bottom twice and scold them for whining. What do you do? It is intended for fun only so do not treat the result too seriously :) Answers.

You are in the toy shop and your 7 year old is throwing a tantrum because you are not buying it for them.

Remember, this quiz is just for fun; it's created with care though. Or maybe your parenting style is to enjoy the moment rather than worry about whether your kids have the cleanest clothes on the block.

Have you ever let your child play hooky? It will probe beyond the surface to see if you have the thoughts and intentions of a good person. What do you do? Spanking on the bear bottom at home alone, grounding, extra chores, etc.

If they continue to misbehave, you take them home, put them over your lap and hit them 30 times on the bear bottom with a hairbrush.

Your teenager wants an Xbox for Christmas but it costs $400.

Your kid has got the cane at school. Then you march them back to the car and make them sit there for half an hour. Not on Quizony yet? Make them stand in the corner.Your 4-year-old has just said a really bad word. HIt them until they are crying hysterically or their bottom is red.