Gardeners use the versatile holly plant in several different ways.

American holly reaches the northern limit of its range along the coast in New England. 0000005152 00000 n Holly is perhaps most commonly used to add visual interest to color-starved landscapes in winter. <<9BD6AFD2BA0F05469FE443F704F2AD74>]>>

The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. �ڪ;@C���`���|�慆Abr/��F� �'L�� �|y��ՁPD@+E�amh X��+��>�:���2�8�C���0�s�� 88S�Fo��o(sꨬ�*&b�Hv�������Zn�|^ '?�Y&�r�i�_��9�L>���z?��}#{� W���:� ��3è+��١���! 0000077393 00000 n 0000001821 00000 n 0000006067 00000 n At maturity, holly trees reach a height of 35 to 50 feet and a width of 15 to 25 feet. The somewhat taller American holly (I. opaca) has oblong prickly leaves and usually red fruits. �~��T������xL�6Y����bM`�@���hqHK�2XD�A���1�I�Q���уq P���J̢̖̞̼�Q�LL���4O�g���A�A ��� Their shapes vary f… 0000008630 00000 n �Ke����)���@u!��9���_gOe�(~�轵"������ endstream endobj 121 0 obj<>stream 0000009447 00000 n Holly plants (Ilex spp.) H�|TMo�0��W�(�+َ� E���aź�������v ��د)'�WҋE������›�@JAV���>�8�l�����X��%/�.y1�D� ��مw�y�g�^�����������tA���;�2 Holly trees feature simple alternate leaves that are oval in shape and which feature points along the edges. Winterberry Holly: A Deciduous Native Holly With Breathtaking Berries

English holly (I. aquifolium), a tree growing to 15 metres (nearly 50 feet) tall, bears shining spiny dark evergreen leaves and usually red fruits. 0000000892 00000 n

Holly trees and shrubs are sometimes deciduous, but more often evergreen. American Holly facts will also give you information about its foliage sheen and whether it is invasive or not.
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And, of course, holly is prized for  �Ro��k����d�ׁ�Ze��8�^�h@�kapp�9i餶�t�~��j�8(3/���X�VÓ�x ��` ��D�"z�����WC�*��m�p�����+�K���};Yz��l�Nj�ڭ��#�A�������=u1Ep��ٰ�V�?Sk�4�(7KY���� >O�%璺��a��f!,I/,ULJe%Y�}sƔ�Q��u�%F � � TہԜ��A���@$�?��̮����9����$0�)u�mP�,+(��U bs�X���� �tf��敺���yu�D]���,Ƕ�h���qm�������/��\5F��k�W�o%2\@�� 4A%� �f The USDA Forest Service, establishing the northern end of American holly's range, remarks that the Pilgrims noted American holly's presence in Massachusetts when they landed in 1620. are a diverse lot, American holly being just one of many types. Also discover American Holly Benefits and know its medicinal uses and aesthetic uses. 0 This pyramidal tree features dense foliage and grows less than 12 inches annually, making it a slow-growing tree. The best garden is the garden which is always green. The plants come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from spreading dwarf shrubs 6 inches in height to trees 70 feet tall. Bird watchers, take note: Several bird species are attracted to  trailer 0000001190 00000 n �T�vv �b�N����ֵ�/r�&��̼��B�\�ռ���B��`���q,��,�C��Ɨ�[7����p-#�����涨}��aV��;�P��F�Ю��{��p���]\�m�8��S�ѧp�}���A�n�祟x�sZ-h��)���e�.ǨL+�lڕ�4�e!�bU��� W�av/`��N%�' 0000006928 00000 n �;Or ��E�$��4HI��=~�g��-Z�A#�r� �ܠ:+ !L�A�@�mn{�ZɝL'/�l���]Q�8�s�q�`n��5�T�[!\}�q�=�Z�Lm�g.

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