Again my vision and what God has planned were grossly out of line.

For us the prospect of not doing anything expect praying for 6 months tasted a little sour in our mouths.

Since then I have seen people gather, I have prayed, I have moved there and I have seen walls come tumbling down.It was a year ago in November that I first stood in front of the church to share the vision God had given me about reaching the area of Shieldfield. We don’t know what that will look like yet. I wish I could inspire you with a vision of what will happen but all I can say is God is with us, He has knocked down some walls and the Kingdom is coming to Shieldfield.

We wouldn’t plan. I know that we will need more people to help us.

My desire was to say that we had reached these people or started this project but I couldn’t.

God is so good.

He told me of when the Hebrews were marching around the walls of Jericho. It hardly seems like a year as so much has happened – but none of it in the way I expected.Gathering people to the mission was the first step and I was delighted to have some amazing people join me in the task.

I can only think of how futile some of them must have thought it was. Gareth Brown has brought a sense of passionate justice and mercy to us. The walls of national greed and short-sightedness that divide North from South. And we received some fantastic words from God.

That particular … List contains All the walls are tumbling in song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. And Elaine Parker has brought her creativity, desires and experience.

We don’t know what that will look like yet. It was a challenge to explain this to people whenever they asked me how the group was doing. We want to serve the community in some way but where to start is the question we’re asking each other now. 2:30. And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love. But God had given me a word that gave me hope during that time.

But I believe that God has opened a way into that community. For 6 days they did this, praying to God as they went around.

We want to serve the community in some way but where to start is the question we’re asking each other now. "Walls Come Tumbling Down!" All I could say is that we were praying. Top 10 funny performances Got Talent - Duration: 43:03. It was simple in its message but terrifying in its implication – ‘Don’t do anything for 6 months except pray.’If you know anything about Christine or I then you’ll know that we are doers not waiters. But on the 7We finished that 6 months at the end of October. As I listened to Ralph Abernathy and his eloquent and generous introduction and then thought about myself, I wondered who he was talking about.

And the Walls Kept Tumbling Down (in the City that We Love) - Duration: 2:30. Maybe God has being opening up the hearts of people in the area. It's always good to have your closest friend and associate to say something good about you, and Ralph Abernathy is the best friend that I have in the world. Thank God I am not in control. Directed by Micah Huber. It was at the first Devoted meeting our group went to. But at the same time we got a strong sense that this was in fact God speaking.

We wouldn’t plan.

And if you close your eyes We want to serve the community in some way but where to start is the question we’re asking each other now. The singer didn’t sing any more but Fiona realised quickly that the next words of the song are:Now we have the challenge of moving past the walls and into the city. My expectation was to first make sure we had a strong sense of fellowship and then get out there and change a community. The singer didn’t sing any more but Fiona realised quickly that the next words of the song are:Now we have the challenge of moving past the walls and into the city. But one needs to read only a bit of world history to realize that walls can come down as a quickly as they were put up.

Toward the end of the meeting Ed invited people to pray over our group.