Contact Rose. Is an animal communicator the same as a pet psychic? ~ JoAnn Finger, Stella’s MomDesperate to help my horse I turned to Val for the first time. 3 reviews of Animal Communicator Pet Psychic "I wish I could give her more than 5 stars.

It is ultimately an intuitive art, and not everyone does it the same way. The animal communicator did put me more at ease as I know she’s in a better place now. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. and skill to to help bridge the gap between our pets and ourselves..." By the way, you don’t have to put your animal on the phone with me – they can hear me in their head.Some animal communicators will go on-site to work with you in person, and others work long distance either with you directly on the phone or will work in a meditative state then get you their notes afterward. For instance, she pin pointed specific problems with her food, and since switching her diet, we have noticed a significant decrease in the amount of yeast on her skin and a lot less scratching.I am certain that I will work with Val again in the future, and I would recommend her to anyone who has questions about their animals! I have never personally worked with an animal communicator, but I try to keep an open mind since somewhere between 30-50% of people who seek my help looking for a lost pet also contact an animal communicator at some time. It may be appropriate to reschedule to another time (after all everyone does have off days, right?) I refer to cases to people who do enjoy them and do good work in this area. It has cost an enormous amount of energy in my life to always cautiously hide the very essence of who I am. What’s important to us may not be at all important to them!Another dog or cat or horse or bird would understand what they meant right away – but us humans? Upcoming Events.

You can develop this amazing skill through our proven series of techniques and tools that comprise our program. In addition, he quickly developed the symptoms of a cold. (Fortunately, he somehow made it to his litter box.) If you like the look and feel of their website, then contact them.How long have they been working as a professional animal communicator? Website by LL Consulting. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It means that every animal lover – layperson, caretaker, owner and professional — can learn how to listen and communicate better with their animal companions.But before you go any further, you need to know some critically important points to consider.Because this is such an unusual profession, I want to help you get started right.First you should know who I am and why I’m qualified to teach you about thisI began working professionally as an animal communicator in 1993.

I have been a clairsentient psychic medium for over 30 years, I am also an animal communicator, Pet psychic & healer, working with animals for over 10 years. He would have had to walk a ways to get there.I am so grateful for Val and her gifts as a healer and a teacher.
Some problems simply aren’t fixable. Payment: The consultation fee is $125 per pet. IF you feel good with this person, then make an appointment. To expect a stranger who they don’t know to make them be different when you continue to reinforce their bad behavior by rewarding it or not making the effort required to teach them anything differently is not realistic.I encourage people and my students to be skeptical. You should listen and observe with your heart, but not be so open minded that your common sense falls out!! I first wrote the What do you need to know before hiring a professional animal communicator?There can be many reasons for that, which I’ll explain below, all of which are avoidable with a little education. Her aim is to help animals and people to build a more interconnected life, to deepen their relationship based upon mutual comprehension, respect and love.

We can identify unique talents, skills, abilities, and purposes. Since then, Val’s sessions have helped me learn how to ride passage, piaffe and to continue to create an amazing partnership with this extraordinary horse.Val’s work has changed my life with this horse — and with ALL of my horses — forever! He would have had to walk a ways to get there.I am so grateful for Val and her gifts as a healer and a teacher.
But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.You’re looking for a really good, qualified professional animal communicator? If they do not want to change or see no need or reason to change their behavior that they can agree with, then they won’t. When there is a behavioral issue or your pet is sick, it can be frustrating and worrisome trying to understand what your pet needs.Working with an animal communicator helps to open a line of communication and develop an even closer relationship with your animal companion.As an animal communicator, I tune in to your animal companion to help you better understand each other, enhance mutual respect and enjoy a deeper bond.More information on the ROTA Psychic & Healing Arts Expo More information on the ROTA Psychic & Healing Arts Expo "I would definitely recommend Rose as an Animal Communicator. (Fortunately, he somehow made it to his litter box.) Not everything that we receive telepathically is going to be 100% accurate — it’s unrealistic to expect it.The best psychics in the world, at their very best, are only about 80% accurate! We can also address important physical boundary concerns. That gives you the chance to do what’s needed to correct anything that needs attention in the most efficient way possible before it’s too late.No more guessing or wondering what the problem is! Her work with horses led to an intensive study in developing her gifts with animal communication and other supporting healing techniques.Highly trained in advanced, state-of-the-art alternative healing and life-changing coaching modalities, Val helps horses and their people rebalance in body, mind & spirit.