You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world.

Finally, go into the silence for a few minutes to receive important spiritual downloads from the Sirius Star System that you need at this time.The 8-8 is a day when we can more securely anchor our consciousness onto the Positive Ascension Timeline and Leap off the 3D Matrix Timeline altogether, so we don’t want to miss this opportunity!Although our Triple Eclipse meditations averted many worse scenarios, there will be some very volatile astrological alignments starting mid-August which could stir up anger in the collective, so let’s participate in this Meditation to continue stabilizing the global situation and ensure the best smoothest outcome over the coming weeks and months!Even though 8-8 is called “The Lions Gate” and seems to carry strong masculine overtones, it is actually a “Stargate of the Goddess” that streams in divine feminine energy which restores harmony and balance on our planet.The Goddess is the feminine aspect of Source Creator and her presence was greatly suppressed on Earth many millennia ago, so this portal can help us revive her presence and reconnect with her loving healing energy.Since we are in the final showdown between Light and Dark here on Earth, goddess energy has never been more needed than it is right now! YET NOT “OFF THE TABLE”. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe.

Thor: TERRAN. Our destiny is to ascend, but if current patterns of behaviour on our planet continue, it… Ascension is a choice – currently a window of opportunity is open for us. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the massive astrological configuration of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on April 4th/5th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will solidify the optimal Ascension timeline for the planet.Make this viral! These beings claim to be of the by Anne Taylor King Magenta Pixie presents an Ascension teaching specific to navigating the third dimensional reality, whilst going through the global pandemic and lockdown situation. !Sirius is often referred to as the “Dog” star because it is found in the Canis Major constellation which is where we get the word “canine” from. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog. Few days before the Booster meditation, our Taiwanese team has seen this Pleiadian cloudship which was doing gridwork preparation for by Conscious Reminder At this moment, many people are experiencing these symptoms.

As the subatomic blueprint structure and elementals in the earth are undergoing deep transformation to shift how energy manifests, it has been duly noted that the atomic harnesses used in the planetary body’s lowest dimensional wave spectrums have direct correspondence designed to interfere with Thank you so much to my client for allowing me to share this very powerful, informative, and vividly beautiful session. Higher Self is a community portal on the topics of the Uni verse, astrology, numerology, sacred geometry, quantum energies, epigenetics, lightworkers, channeling our galactic family, Ascended Masters, and Angels, twin flames, unconditional love, and about the latest news from the higher realms, the nature of reality, our liberation, and ascension. It is twice as large in mass as our sun and 26 times more luminous – quite a magnificent star indeed!Because it is such a brilliant luminary, Sirius is considered to be a broadcasting station of spiritual wisdom. Feel the ecstasy of her love lifting you up and giving you wings to FLY!8. Hey everyone my name is Sarah. We are very excited to offer you this transmission because we know that you enjoy hearing about the downloads, activations and upgrades that you are receiving. We have been observing the progress that you have made as a collective consciousness, and we are happy to report that there is much more movement forward towards your by Open

April 6, 2020 • 4:48 pm As much as I loved my old life, the new one, as I entered this gateway, feels so much better. They are the perfect example of what NOT to do.