Meditate slowly and deeply upon Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah 53:13. Hope takes on new meaning in light of the events of Holy Week. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic and so many other life-altering events taking place in our world, Dr. Sri poses a question that is very important for Catholics to consider: Should physical health be our first priority? This episode was originally recorded back in 2018 right outside the church of St. Clare in Assisi while Dr.Sri was on pilgrimage. Why We Say 'Memento Mori' - Fr.

Peter had Jesus (they were basically best friends), but—by denying him—was essentially saying he didn’t need Jesus. We celebrate our shared priesthood while recognizing the special role of ordained ministers, we celebrate the great gift of the Eucharist, and accept the role of the Christian to be a servant to all. Mike clears up a great deal of confusion between the Old and New Testaments, and shows how God has stayed quite the same since before the beginning of time until now.There are many great ways to describe hope, but Fr. Mike defines it as “trust in another extended into the future.” He recalls two stories from the Gospels that exemplify what hope is not.

In addition to our Ascension focused activities, the Holy Week at Home provided by Liturgical Press offers excellent suggestions for creating prayer space and questions for reflection as we move through these Sacred …

To help focus on God’s voice in the scriptures, Dr. Sri shares three practical ways we can prepare our hearts for the liturgy of the word.This week’s episode is from a LIVE Facebook event that was done on Corpus Christi last week. This is an exciting tool for families that helps all ages grow in understanding and appreciation for Jesus' gift of the Mass. When Peter denied Christ, and when the two travelers on the road to Emmaus abandoned their hope in Christ. In these situations, the one thing Fr. … In ancient times, palm branches were a symbol of strength and celebration. Today we celebrate the feast day of St.Clare of Assisi, a heroic saint who was known for her courage, perseverance, and indomitability in times of trial. The Role of Hope in Holy Week Hope takes on new meaning in light of the events of Holy Week. Mike is asked a lot about what to do when your life is thrown off course by a breakup. If we only express our faith in certain ways because that’s what other believers around us our doing, we should re-examine our relationship with Christ. If you have found Ascension's free content a blessing, Copyright © 2020 Ascension Press. This is the song of the Suffering Servant. Mike explains how hope is knowing that we have Jesus and knowing that we need him. Sri will be speaking on “Men, Women & the Mystery of Love” at the Free virtual LoveLife Conference. mike schmitz, holy week, hope, jesus, lent, lent 2019, resurrection, resurrection of the body, road to emmaus, role of hope, st. peter There are many great ways to describe hope, but Fr.
Catholic study programs, books, and talks for parishes and small groups. ... Hi, my name is Father Mike Schmitz and this is Ascension Presents so a number of years ago one of our students. As we approach the feast of Pentecost, Dr. Sri explains the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit: what they are, where they come from, and how they are important to our faith.
But comparison is kind of like the cousin of envy, Fr. In some churches, Communion is only offered to those in imminent danger of death! Fr. This week, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord! So we wait and meditate on the statement of the Apostle’s Creed: “He descended into hell.”The Resurrection of the Lord is too great of an event to celebrate for only one day! ascension, ascension presents, catholic, easter, easter 2019, fr. All rights reserved. One great way for us to continue this tradition is to read a different resurrection Scripture each day of Easter week and attend the Eucharist daily, or at least on as many days during the Easter octave as we can.From a colorful and varied background as a professor of theology, a father of five, business owner, and professional performer Marcellino D’Ambrosio (a.k.a. Mike defines it as “trust in another extended into the future.” He recalls two stories from the Gospels that exemplify what hope is not. Dr. Sri covers the beauty of the Eucharist, and answers questions from listeners. All this is a tremendous reminder of salvation by grace working through faith (waiting). Most Christian churches allow no celebrations on this day, including burials, weddings, Eucharist or Lord’s Supper, and so on. The travelers needed Jesus, but the way they saw it they no longer had him. Our Christian life is completely dependent upon the Lord’s resurrection, but there is absolutely nothing we can do to make this happen. ... Ascension Presents 18,031 views. This year, due to the COVID-19 crisis, many will not be able to attend the special liturgies that help make this time so special.