*** White Russian Mulberry (Morus alba tatarica) Zones 4-8. The goji berry has gained quite the reputation in recent years; it’s high antioxidant content has earned it the “superfood” title in many a...75 days. Let us help you find what you need Deciduous shrub. Fast worldwide delivery These seeds, which have been stratified ready to sow, have been collected from Tupi, one of the very best cultivars sold for sweet snacking. Goji Berry Seeds Goji berry (Lycium Barbarum) is a deciduous plant that grows up to 3 meters high. Happy snacking! This is a fun one: Dinner and dessert all in one place! Annual. A very heavy producer of bright orange berries that make highly nutritious juice. Alpine strawberries are a variety of wild strawberry. The wonder of Summer's bounty. *Excited about growing Fruit & Nut trees from seed? This easy to grow, hedgy shrub gives bluish-black berries in late Summer. Evergreen. You come to a bit of a...(Viburnum trilobum)  Zones 2 - 7. Also known as blue barberry, Oregon Grape grows to 8 feet, has beautiful holly-like leaves, prickly stems and deliciously tart berries! Zones 4-8. Blueberry is an 80% indica strain with THC levels of 15-22%. The hope of Spring planting.

The reward of Autumn's harvest. Easy to grow plants.

Here, you can find the finest Canada cannabis seeds on the market, backed by an amazing 90% germination guarantee, and a responsive, supportive customer service team. Kiwi Vine, also known as Tara Vine, is a fabulous multi purpose plant.This vigorous, climbing vine provides a beautiful garden backdrop, with leaves...*** Also available in our Mulberry Forest, Your Orchard and Your Deluxe Orchard collections! Buy Berry Seeds. Each seed packet contains approximately 50 untreated open pollinated goji berry seeds. Pick only darkest berries without any green for...The dreams of Winter waiting. Here is where you'll find seeds to grow them all. Blueberry is an extraordinary strain that’s known for its incredible blueberry taste with a deeply relaxing and cerebral high. Elderberry, commonly called American Black Elder, is a beautiful and useful plant - a wonderful addition to any garden! DJ Short created Blueberry pulling from a pool of landrace strains that he collected during his travels through Southeast Asia and Latin America.

Many rare and unusual varieties. Large selection. Zones 4-8. *** White Mulberry (Morus alba).

Stalks are pink, tender and I'll say sweet, on the rhubarb sweetness scale....(Amelanchier alnifolia) Zones 3 - 7. The garden huckleberry originates from Africa and yields huge quantities of large dark purple berries for cooking.

Natural Seed Bank is an online retailer of garden seeds. Sunberry also known as Wonderberry, produces small and tasty, purple fruit. The hope of Spring planting. Deciduous Shrub.

(Solanum burbankii) Annual. The strain is … Buy Alpine strawberry Seeds. Victoria is a gentle, mild rhubarb that is just superb for cooking. Schisandra is native to Northern China and has a long time history in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A wonderful, low growing native plant. Goldie Ground Cherries taste almost tropical and came be used...(Actinidia arguta Bower) Zones 3 - 7. Annual.

Stratification...** Also available as part of our "Frigid Fruit" collection ** (Fragaria vesca) Zones 5 - 8. Picture it: You're walking through the forest. Deciduous vine. Cranberry, or American Cranberry, is a low-growing, creeping shrub with small glossy leaves, fuchsia-pink flowers and cheerful, bright red cranberries in Fall. Alpine strawberries are everbearing and will produce berries from early June until the Fresh fruit is Nature's candy; it tastes so good when it comes from your own...There is NOTHING more rewarding than harvesting fruit from your own orchard!

Zones 5-9.