All bicycle riders under the age of 18 are required to wear an approved bicycle helmet when travelling on any public road. To legally drive an e-bike, you must be at least 16 years old and wear a helmet. Ontario is among the last provinces to legalize the use of electric bicycles on the road despite its federal regulation in Canada in 2001.

A parent shall be responsible for children under 16 who do not wear a helmet. Cyclists have an absolute right to use public roads. And stories like this one about bike safety recently shared on Outside Online heighten my fears, as cyclist deaths continue to rise across the U.S. even in a […]What will biking after COVID be like? They are responsible for their percentage of fault When using the roads, a bicyclist is required to follow certain laws intended to ensure that bicyclists use reasonably caution and safe cycling practices. However, municipal bylaws can also regulate the use of bicycles. If you are walking your bike on a highway where there are no sidewalks, you are considered a pedestrian and you should walk on the left-hand side of the road facing traffic. For any questions about the Province’s bike laws, or about your rights to the road, contact This year, before COVID, over 600 bike riders from over 25 states retraced the steps of the Civil Rights Marchers from Selma to Montgomery. It is especially important after a bicycle accident (we call them bicycle “crashes” Ontario bicyclists generally have the same rights, and same responsibilities, as drivers of motor vehicles.

The annual ride is an example […]Hundreds of athletes are currently in the midst of participating in what may very well be the most significant Strava art project ever – the spelling out of Black Lives Matter from NY to ME in “virtual letters” large enough to be read from outer space. While you do not need a driver’s license or vehicle permit to operate an e-bike in Ontario, you... Rules of the Road for E-Bike Operators. Use hand signals and look for clues from other drivers - make eye contact. Cyclists who are being overtaken should turn out to the right to allow the vehicle to pass.A motorist may, if done safely, and in compliance with the rules of the road, cross the centre line of a roadway in order to pass a cyclist. The HTA defines a bicycle as “bicycle includes a tricycle, a unicycle and a power-assisted bicycle but does not include a motor-assisted bicycle.”  Therefore, a bicycle is considered a vehicle under Ontario law. Never pass a cyclist prior to making a right turn. It's a low-cost way to get around, and it's good for the environment.Before you head out on a bike, learn the rules of the road, helmet information and safety tips for cyclists of all ages.As a cyclist, you must share the road with others (e.g., cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, etc.

Instead, merge before turning. As a cyclist, you must share the road with others (e.g., cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, etc.). Most of the laws that apply to bicycles are contained in the Highway Traffic Act (HTA). However, if you are caught riding impaired and in an unsafe manner, you can be charged under the Liquor Licence Act with being intoxicated in public.

Pedal […]As a cyclist (and bike crash attorney), I often worry that I’m placing my life in the hands of motorists each time I hop on my bike. Bicycle lanes: … The HTA defines a bicycle as “bicycle includes a tricycle, a unicycle and a power-assisted bicycle but does not include a motor-assisted bicycle.” Therefore, a bicycle is considered a vehicle under Ontario law. The HTA only forbids side by side riding when it impedes normal flow of traffic.

If you’ve stopped for a post-ride beer, been to an important advocacy event, or to any major Atlanta gathering, chances are you have met Angel Poventud.