Country rap is a fusion genre of popular music blasting country music with hip hop -style rapping. It's gonna be a Black country song," Chika promised. "When I'm coming, you got to know. Rapper Chika is overwhelmed with joy after rap legend Snoop Dogg crashed her Instagram Live and called her his music “daughter. What you doing? she said once she noticed he was viewing her stream. I want you hear it from me, from the Dogg's mouth. My aunts. Snoop said to her. “I’m here to tell you I f*ck with your music. My fish.I’m aware of any and all things Snoop’s done and said in recent years and don’t defend or agree w/ that.
I want you hear it from me, from the Dogg’s mouth.”Overwhlemed by his praises, Chika thanked Snoop for his compliments and returned some of her own to him calling him, “a f*cking legend, an actual goddamn pillar in our community.” The two would eventually agree to collaborate on a song after Snoop requested that he write one for her. I enjoy it. Scuzz Twittly - Party Like Charlie Sheen - Duration: 3:16. Snoop Dogg And Chika Will Collaborate On A 'Black Country Song' Music I mean, the answer's yes, duh.
Especially considering that Ari Lennox is the love of my actual life. You gonna make it do what you do.”While we wait for their upcoming collab, fans can give a listen to Chika’s new single, “U Should.” Watch their full Instagram Live conversation above and see Chika’s reaction to the conversation in the tweets below.When Snoop called me his daughter, I felt like he called my mother his daughter.

"About what?

N----- like me probably wouldn't exist if you didn't. The Biz premium subscriber content has moved to simplify subscriber access, we have temporarily disabled the password requirement.

"What's up? It's a different vibe. “I’m here to give you your flowers,” he announced. In response, Chika said “I’m writing you a country song. I've just been sitting here talking shit, being dumb. The Alabama native shared her debut EP To Chika’s surprise, Snoop Dogg joined her livestream late Saturday night and her excitement was very clear. ✨ Just for the sake of saying this out loud, I have now not only been called “daughter” by Beyoncé, but Snoop Dogg, Lin Manuel Miranda is aware of me, as is Jay-Z per Diddy’s excited introduction, Swizz and Alicia have blessed me and so have Jill Scott and Erykah. Chika wondered.Watch the full live, and see Chika's reaction tweets, below.When Snoop called me his daughter, I felt like he called my mother his daughter. "Make it work," Snoop said. Billboard is part of MRC Media and Info, a division of MRC. Now I feel like I have to do something entertaining. We gonna make this shit work," he agreed.Snoop also said Chika reminded him of his daughter -- "your tone, your temperament, your conversation, the way you carry yourself" -- and, for fun, told the story of the first time he smoked, in the '70s: "I was a little ass kid," he admitted. My sister. History. Snoop would eventually join the livestream where he used the opportunity to praise Chika and her music. I play it. 2:17. I didn’t want to like let you hear about it. I'm letting you know that. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest E-Mail. ✨ Just for the sake of saying this out loud, I have now not only been called “daughter” by Beyoncé, but Snoop Dogg, Lin Manuel Miranda is aware of me, as is Jay-Z per Diddy’s excited introduction, Swizz and Alicia have blessed me and so have Jill Scott and Erykah. Early influences on the emergence of country rap as a distinct genre include talking blues like Big Bad John (1961) by Jimmy Dean, A Boy Named Sue (1969) by Johnny Cash and Uneasy Rider (1975) by Charlie Daniels. Leeor Wild . I will, however, acknowledge that as a rapper, this was a cool moment for me. But I can smoke in your honor.

This is gonna be some hip-hop country shit.