But if they don’t, try as hard as you can not to contact “support” as your pitch may likely get lost in the sea of other general inquiries and such.If you can’t for the life of you find out exactly who to send your pitch to, then once again, move on.

Let them know that you have what it takes without sounding like you’re begging, or like you’re a pretentious snob.There’s a fine line between confidence and conceit, so you can talk about your skills and previous accomplishments without sounding like you should be nominated for an award.

Makes you sound like some factory worker, writing your ass off for pennies.

You’re not one of those people that want to write all these awesome posts and articles for free or for “exposure”. When she isn't writing research-driven content, she enjoys reviewing music and hitting up the latest culinary hot spot in her home city of Toronto. Still, it manages to hit every single major part of their business plan succinctly–including key differentiators, use cases and the best and worst case scenarios.We’ve updated the classic Uber pitch deck template with sharp visuals and layouts.Designing your entire slide deck with the same layout may make your audience tune out.But if you challenge your audience’s expectations, they are more likely to keep paying attention. A short, impactful pitch deck is a great way to impress your audience–quickly.Not a designer? I thought it would be fitting to … You can use an infographic to visualize a process or to break down concepts.

For example, using punchy, concise phrasing using bold fonts will help make an impact on your audience.

You could even offer spinning a recently successful article of theirs that you and they know will get extensive viewership. Every blog in the same niche doesn’t have the same tone of voice, which obviously makes every blog and website unique. Thanks for putting it out there for folks like me! Click the background and pick from swatch colors, gradients and patterns–or your brand colors.Click any of the text to add your own numbers or words. So few places want to provide a template, and I do understand why. It doesn’t mince words and the bold fonts and color scheme convey confidence.Telling your business’s story means showing what makes your business original and likeable.What is your brand’s voice?

They get a lot, and after reading many that probably didn’t even adhere to their guidelines, your perfect pitch and small “thanks” will make you look like a ray of sunshine.Now that you know what to include and how to format, you’re now ready to write up your pitch and hit the “send” button with confidence! Our post on Here’s a business pitch example that uses charts and diagrams to present metrics in an engaging way.To create engaging diagrams for presentations, try out our When picking icons for your slides, make sure that the icons have a consistent style throughout the presentation. Pennies are what you get at those terrible content mills. Since the design elements in this template are universal, it can be adapted for any industry.You’re telling the story of your business with your pitch deck.

Pick your words carefully–they should be precise and compelling. I’d like to write an article entitled ( __ ) as I believe it will resonate deeply with your audience and give very valuable information and a fresh point of view on the subject matter. (Who else cringes just at the phrase “content mill”? It’s more of a general tone of voice, and you can tailor it to the tone that matches your prospect.My name is _____. While you may be tempted to include as much of your business plan as possible, his outline forces you to tease out your most important content and engage investors or clients within a short span of time.We’re recreated his famous outline in two winning templates you can adapt and make your own.This clean, clear pitch deck template has all the sections you need and nothing you don’t.

I am just starting to investigate freelance writing as a source of income. She also enjoys writing on topics such as blogging, entrepreneurship, social media, and local/regional attractions of the Washington DC metropolitan area. Looking to seal the deal with new partners?You need to convince the right people to get behind your idea.

Want to explain ideas to potential clients? Your motif could be something like a recurring shape or a recurring object (like a leaf for growth).For example, this business pitch deck template uses circles as the main design motif throughout the presentation.This marketing-focused pitch deck template keeps the focus where it should be–on results and numbers.

Replace the photos with your own or browse our library of thousand of free professional stock images.This simple pitch deck template is clean and incredibly easy to edit.