Soon after, Goofy stumbled towards Bradley and bumped into them sending them both flying, briefly stunning them. Jeff Bennett as Bradley Uppercrust III, the head of the Gamma Mu Mu gang. Appearances. The College X-Games consisted events such as skateboarding, bicycling, and rollerblading. This unexpected turn of events causes Max to realize that Goofy was telling the truth about Bradley's cheating. Bradley "Brad" Uppercrust III is the true and hidden main villain of Disney's 2000 animated film, An Extremely Goofy Movie. Read more. Near the finish line, although Tank was in the lead, Bradley was unwilling to let anyone but himself cross the finish line and pulls out a remote control to activate one last cheat. Appearances. I am the dashing, wonderful, and oh so talented leader of the Gammas. in the film "An Extremely Goofy Movie" while Bradley Uppercrust III does his latest stunts, Max runs over Bradley Uppercrust III and his date that make them spin like crazy that clothes are switched.

Few know of his true behavior, as he has garnered much popularity and respect over the course of his college career, recognized by all on campus as a sports celebrity. Goofy and Tank release themselves from the skateboard to give Max enough speed, and Max beats Brad to the finish line, winning the competition. Competition became more intensified when Bradley met college freshman In the aftermath of the 2012 College X-Games finals, Bradley and the rest of the Gamma team were suspended from schooling activites and their fraternity for the first semester of the following school year. Bradley Uppercrust III Shouts At Dennis The Hybrid Cat To Knock It Off - Duration: 0:14. flying off in the sky to force the other team to forfeit. By the film's climax, Bradley is so obsessed with winning the X-Games that he becomes perfectly willing to severely injure or even kill his opponents to ensure his victory. Bradley Uppercrust III X lead Longboad Beagle Boy. Bradley "Brad" Uppercrust III is the main antagonist of Disney's 2000 film An Extremely Goofy Movie. While he was racing, Bradley attempted various cheats, including having his teammates blocking the road, moving a hay bale so the racers would go cross country, and having Tank throw him past the other team. A furious Tank then turns on Bradley for betraying him and slingshots him towards the X-Games blimp flying overhead, puncturing it and causing the blimp to flail out of control. The Gammas were a highly regarded team in the College X-Games, having won the most titles over any other fraternity, mostly due in part to their manipulative behavior, using illegal item/tactics to win their titles. More would be revaled in An Awesome Goofy Movie, coming to Disney movies anywhere, then 4 days after, to DVD and blu-ray Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He wants the most skilled competitors to be in his team, excluding the others he dubs "clowns". Join Facebook to connect with Bradley Uppercrust III and others you may know. During class, he would often pick on Max (especially when Goofy came bursting in). However, Max was able to convince Goofy to step in and help him beat Bradley and win the X-Games. Extreme Sports. Updated daily with the latest episodes. Follow. He is the leader of the Gamma Mu Mu school fraternity at the State college, and the five-time College X-Games "king". He is the leader of the Gamma Mu Mu school fraternity at the State college, and … He usually gets what he wants, but in the rare instances where his silver tongue fails him, he may, if pressed, lose his cool and reveal his crueler side. Soon after, Goofy stumbled towards Brad and bumped into them sending them both flying.