In most cases, you’ll want to give each audio input its own specific track. Mark it as resolved!

In this case, our desktop audio is assigned to track one, while our mic audio is assigned to track two.Next, adjust the output settings for your recording.Adjust the number of tracks in this section depending on how many audio inputs you’ve assigned in the Advanced Audio Settings. Remember to follow us on As I said, I want to stream in 2560x1440, but when I put that in canvas, it lags like hell. Many of the settings we discuss here will have to be adjusted for performance and quality if you want to live stream and record at the same time. Tried to lower settings. In my case, it 2560x1440. The output, or the scaled resolution, is what your viewer is going to see. With that being said let’s get into it.Before we get into which video settings you can adjust, we first want to make sure you are capturing the right audio.If you have a microphone connected to your computer, Streamlabs OBS should automatically detect it and show it on the audio mixer.To change which microphone is being captured, click on the settings cog in the lower left-hand corner of Streamlabs OBS, open the audio settings, and pick a different microphone.When you record content on Streamlabs OBS, you also have the option to assign certain audio inputs to specific tracks.

More on that later. So i could theoretically go full on 6000 bitrate if i would want to. First, all of my graphics are meant for this resolution.

In my case, it 2560x1440.For recording gameplay, it is recommended you choose the highest quality output resolution. This tutorial will cover the settings you can optimize to achieve the best quality recording.Please note, this tutorial will specifically cover the best settings to record only. lock FPS as low as 50FPS in game. Give it a like! For recording gameplay, it is recommended you choose the highest quality output resolution. If your CPU usage is too high try adjusting the settings outlined above to optimize for your computer.And that wraps up the settings you can adjust to get the best quality recording in Streamlabs OBS.If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Press Control + Shift +ESC to bring up the task manager and click on “performance”. Posted by 15 hours ago. This is helpful later when you are editing to have desktop audio on one track while your own microphone is on another.To assign audio inputs to specific tracks, first, open the Advanced Audio Settings by clicking on the settings cog in the audio mixer.All six tracks will be checked by default, meaning all of your audio inputs will be combined. Lag would typically be due to high system usage causing issues with the software not being able to run correctly.Did you like this post? OBS Studio Video settings. Try recording gameplay with Streamlabs OBS and monitor the performance on this screen. The base canvas resolution represents our strating resolution. Did it answer your question? The first number at the very top is the base canvas resolution. Although Streamlabs OBS is known in particular for its live streaming capabilities, it is also possible to record your computer screen as well. 59.94 video requires a fast computer or dedicated hardware encoding. Give it a like! Did you like this post? Enter your username or e-mail address. Output (Scaled) Resolution. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Did you like this post? I prefer to leave mine on 1920 x 1080, or 1080p, as this is the best OBS Studio settings for me, for a few reasons. If you notice that your computer is struggling, try lowering the output resolution.It is recommended to choose Lanczos as your downscale filter, as this provides the best quality at the cost of slightly more CPU.We recommend recording in 60 FPS in most cases, especially for gameplay that involves a lot of action. 0. what are "Base (Canvas) Resolution" and "Output (Scaled) Resolution" ? Give it a like! Base (Canvas) Resolution. If you are playing a board game or something with a more static image, you can probably get away with 30 FPS, but in general, try to record more frames if you can.To adjust the output settings for your recording, by clicking on the settings cog in the lower left-hand corner of Streamlabs OBS and clicking on “output”.Pick the destination you’d like your recording to appear.In most cases, we recommend recording in the mp4 format.When it comes to encoders, there are two types: software (x264) and hardware (NVENC).

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For most people this should work fine. The software encoder (x264) will use your CPU to encode video, while hardware encoders like NVENC will offload the encoding process to your GPU. If you accept you agree to our full cookie policy. Go to: Settings > Video and setup Base (Canvas) Resolution as high as you use it.

Now, when you upload your file to your editing software, two audio tracks will appear — one for your desktop audio and one for your microphone audio.Now, let’s get into the video settings you should adjust to get the best quality picture.Navigate to the video settings by clicking on the settings cog in the lower left-hand corner of Streamlabs OBS and clicking on “video”.For recording gameplay, it is recommended that your base resolution match your monitor's resolution. Did it answer your question? Tried both with and without V-sync. I recently bought a new screen.