The pier closest to Chinatown is Ratchawong Pier, which is only three piers down from the BTS Skytrain. The cardboard cars, phones, and clothes are made especially for funerals so that family members might have them in the next life. Here, tradition prevails and it's possible to get lost down alleyways with traders selling the same specialist merchandise as their forefathers did generations ago. It's worth noting that there are hundreds of gold shops along the main Yarowat Road and it's common practice to shop around for the best price. Chinatown in Bangkok can be a confusing place even for long-time visitors to Bangkok so finding the best hotel is Read More» Top 10 Attractions in Chinatown The sights, sounds and smells of Chinatown are an assault to the senses, but can be the most memorable of any spent in Read More» Alle rettigheter og er varemerker eller registrerte varemerker som tilhører, LP i USA og/eller andre land. チャルーンクルン通りやヤワラート通り沿いには、古くからの大乗仏教や道教の中国寺院が並び、日頃から人々の信仰を集めています。一方、そこから路地の奥へと足を踏み入れると民家が軒を連ねる街角に孫悟空や古代の武将、土地の神さまなどを祀る小さな祠が点在。どの祠も供えられた線香の煙が常に絶えることがなく、中には願い事が叶うと地元の人々の信仰を集めている人気の寺院も。また周辺には、全重量5.5トンの黄金で鋳造された世界一大きな黄金仏像が安置されているワット・トライミット、舟の形をした珍しい仏塔があるワット・ヤーンナーワーなどタイ式の仏教寺院も建っています。バンコクのチャイナタウンで提供される中華料理は、タイの新鮮で豊富な食材を使用し、味のレベルが高く、しかもリーズナブルなことで有名です。タイに住む華人の8割以上が広東省南部の潮州出身で、チャイナタウンの店の多くも潮州料理。魚やカニなどを蒸した料理やイカやエビの練りもの、魚の胃袋やフカヒレなど魚介類の乾物を魚醤や塩などで薄く味つけした料理などが特徴で、日本人の口にもよく合います。バンコクのチャイナタウンといえば、なんと言ってもヤワラート通り沿いにおよそ130の店舗が軒を連ねる「金行」がシンボル。中国系の人々の間では財産を金(タイでは主に24金)で持つことが一般的となっており、赤と金色を基調とした内外装が目印のこれらの金行で、そのような金製品の売買が行われています。こちらで細工される24金のアクセサリーは、地元の人たちに結納や誕生祝いなどの品物としても喜ばれ、ドバイやシンガポール、香港などにも輸出されています。クリーム色のレトロな建物が目印の金行・陳焯剛(タントカン)の上階に設けられた「金の博物館」では、木製の御守りや金型をはじめ金細工に必要なさまざまな道具などを展示されています。金行やレストラン、食料品などを中心とするヤワラート通り、エンジンや電気製品など機械のパーツや工具を売るクローントム・エリア、衣料品、靴、おもちゃ、文具などの卸し屋が並ぶワーニット通りといったように、チャイナタウン内部でもそれぞれエリアや通りごとに特色があります。また、チャイナタウンと路地でつながっているパフラッド通りは、タイでのシーク教の総本山クルッドワラー・シークルシンサパーを中心にパンジャブ州出身のインド系の人々が営む生地屋(仕立て屋)が軒を連ねる「リトル・インディア」とも称されるエリア。さらにその一角には、1949年からこの地に店を構え、上質な生地を販売することで知られる日本人経営の”KIKUYA”も。散策するだけでもさまざまな異文化に触れることができます。官公庁や歴史的建造物などが建ち並ぶ旧市街のラッタナコーシン島を中心に、バンコク中の大通りがイルミネーションで飾られて賑わうプミポン前国王誕生祭(12月5日とその前後数日)、爆竹の音が響き渡るなか獅子舞やパレードなどが街なかを練り歩くチャイナタウンの春節祭(例年1月下旬〜2月中旬)など、バンコクは年間を通じてさまざまな催しが行われ、常に活気ある雰囲気に溢れています。毎年6月1日〜8月31日までの期間は、主なデパートメントストアやショッピングモールでグランドセールが開催され、対象商品が10%から最大で70%オフになります。02-287-3101, 02-287-3102, 02-287-3103, 02-287-3104, 02-287-3105, 02-287-3106, 02-287-3107, 02-287-3108, 02-287-3109, 02-287-3110© Tourism Authority of Thailand.

We have suggestions.Looking to expand your search outside of Bangkok? We have suggestions.Nearly a Mile in length, somewhat crowded at times but what an interesting place if youA bustling little market in Bangkok with a great atmosphereThis quality service applies to both personal visits mail order where my recorded measurements coupled with photographic assessments result in perfectly crafted items.What better souvenirs could you take home than beautiful, quality, wear reminds you of your holiday and the joy it brought you.It's always difficult to find a trustworthy tailor in Bangkok as there are so many of differing qualities, we were recommended a visit to at ANS International Custom Tailors and, once again, my expectations were exceeded! These days, everything is far more modern, with a walking street vibe (although plenty of motorbikes and tuk-tuks will be beeping their way through the foot traffic).At the beginning of the market area, there's a congregation of fruit stalls where you can buy seasonal fruits at some of the cheapest prices and deeper into the market you will find an array of dried goods for sale and some hard to find snacks, such as Itsaraphap Lane is a narrow, partially covered walking street which runs from the Chao Phraya River up to Leng Noi Yee Temple, the most important Chinese temple in Thailand. Skatter og avgifter er ikke inkludert. Within these first few blocks lay Pahurat's textile-selling action, so choose one of the many small alleyways and dive into the heart of it all.The labyrinth of narrow lanes gives way to plentiful rolls of textiles such as silk, cotton, wool and cashmere in all kinds of colours, each to be brought at a good rate.Talat Kao is a 200-year-old market and was the original fresh trading area for the first Chinese settlers to this area. times for ladies and gents fashion, also Thai Restaurant on the second floor is well worth a visit one of our favorite restaurants in BangkokWe then ate in the River View Thai Restaurant in the complex,Wish I could rank Siam Leather Goods more than a 5! Yaowarat Road is home to Bangkok's Chinatown.Located in the Samphanthawong khet, a southern district along the east bank of Chao Phraya River, it is one of the Bangkok's most popular tourist attractions and a true heaven for shopping lovers and gourmands which come here to enjoy the Chinese street food cuisine. Shopping in Chinatown Bangkok Sampeng Market This one is basically the main and the most popular market in Chinatown Bangkok, located mostly at Soi Wamit 1 which goes (Somehow) parallel to the main road of Chinatown Yaowarat, but not only at that street, some of Sampeng is also toward Yaowarat road. Zoom in to see updated info.There are no pins in your viewport. For a great souvenir, we recommend buying some tea from around here.Balanna Plaza is neatly tucked in Samepeng Lane and is solely dedicated to shoes. Brands such as Nike, Converse, Vans and Campus can be picked up here for a fraction of the 'normal' price and there is the wholesale option too.Other styles of shoes include ladies' sandals and flip-flops. Let USA TODAY 10Best's local experts guide you to the best restaurants, attractions, nightlife, clubs, bars, hotels, events, and shopping in Chinatown/Yaowarat Bangkok. Here, tradition prevails and it's possible to get lost down alleyways with traders selling the same specialist merchandise as their forefathers did generations ago.Prices are probably the cheapest you can find in the city, but bargaining is necessary and it can certainly get too hot and hectic for some, so we recommend taking it slow, stopping frequently to snack and drink, and enjoying the craziness of the best shopping in Chinatown.Sampeng Lane is a long narrow street intersecting Chinatown selling a jumble of goods. The best time to go shopping in Chinatown is during the day, as most of the shops and vendors shut down at night and Yaowarat Road comes alive with an abundance of food. Once crossing Chakraphek Road you will enter Pahurat. Alle andre varemerker tilhører sine respektive eiere.Beklager, denne siden er ikke oversatt til språket ditt ennå … Shopping in Chinatown has a timeless quality to it and offers the perfect antidote to the modern mega-malls that are springing up in other areas of Bangkok.