Grab one golf ball, grab your wedge, and grab your putter.Imagine you’ve just hit your approach shot from the fairway and you missed the green by 10-15 feet.Now you must chip the ball onto the green and try to make the putt to save your par. Many times this causes the club to decelerate, so the clubhead bottoms out before contacting the ball, and the clubhead passes the hands on the follow-through. The above 3 golf drills have you focus on high volume of … Then you’d set up and hit 50-100 chips to a middle hole, and so on until you worked on all 3 distances in bulk, but separately.In this chipping drill, however, you’ll be rotating one shot to each hole.Hit one chip to the far distance hole, then hit a chip to the short distance hole, and then finish with a chip shot to the middle hole.The goal is to successfully get all 3 chip shots within 3 feet of their respective holes.Then walk to the other side of the green and pick a spot in the rough to chip from and hit to these same 3 holes again but now the distances have changed by switching sides of the green.Repeat this drill moving around the green so you practice chipping from all different angles. Karen Palacios-Jansen is a golf instructor and former LPGA National Teacher of the Year. Are you going to do them for a certain amount of time like 30 minutes each to create a 3 hour golf practice.Or are you going to complete a set number of repetitions like 50 chips for each drill, 300 chipping reps for the whole practice session?The analogy for this practice style I always use is Michael Jordan shooting 1,000 jump shots a day to build skill from high volume repetition. Chip-Shot Fundamentals: The Antidote to Mishits . One way to do that is to employ the chipping fundamentals that follow. The Difference between Chipping and a Pitch Shot in Golf. Aim for 80% or better.Like the last chipping drill, this short game practice drill will again have you using only 1 golf ball to simulate pressure. The key to avoiding chunks (or skulls) on chip shots is to find a way to keep the clubhead moving through the impact area so that you strike the ball first and take turf after impacting the golf ball. Download the Drills! Why do you chunk your chip shots? You’ve probably heard your playing partners talk about pitching when they are chipping and chipping when they’re pitching. This Chip Shot Drill Teaches You to Keep Club Moving Through Impact 17 Quick and Easy Tips for Beginning Golfers and High-HandicappersClubhead Lag: What It Is In Golf Swing + Drills to Help You Feel ItLearn the 6-8-10 Method to Improve Your Results on Chip Shots5 Key Swing Checks When You Need to Fix Your Golf SliceHow to Hold the Putter: Common Putting Grips and Their Pros and Cons Here’s a simple practice drill to learn to keep the club moving through the impact area when chipping — something you must do to avoid mishits on chip shots. In an attempt to get the ball airborne, some golfers may try to lift the ball up, or feel they need to scoop the ball at the moment of impact. Same with golf.Putt in the reps and time and you’ll get better. You’ll find a practice hole that is the opposite side of the green from where you’ll be chipping.#1: Walk over and place ball markers or tees in a 3-foot circle around the hole to give yourself a target zone to roll chip shots inside of. Golf Tips on Chipping & Pitching By Sharon Penn. ).Pick out different holes as you go so, you’re not hitting similar chip shots.Treat it like an 18 hole round where you miss all 18 greens in regulation. One way to do that is to employ the chipping fundamentals that follow. The only way to score par 72 is to successfully get all 18 up & downs.It will be challenging and put pressure on you not to screw up which will help you immensely out on the golf course when you face real life up & down situations.To win this game, successfully complete all 18 up & downs in a row.If you’re a beginner and not very good at chipping or putting, then you may not be able to complete this game so instead set a 1 hour time limit to pass it or else you get to quit and move on to other golf short game drills.Today we gave you some simple chipping drills to build your golf practice routine around. This scooping action not only causes We like to classify This drill is easy to set up and complete. Copyright 2018 | Epic View Media LLC | | All Rights Reserved | Chipping Practice Routine: 5 Golf Drills to Complete Every Practice Session on Chipping Practice Routine: 5 Golf Drills to Complete Every Practice SessionEver wonder what the 15 best golf practice drills are?? Conversely, if there is little to no grass under your golf ball and the ground is hard, then a clubhead that passes in front of the hands before impact will usually bounce off the hard turf and hit the ball on the upswing (a skull or Chipping Fundamentals to Help You Avoid Chunks and Skulls A chip shot involves precision to control the correct yardage and distance to leave the shortest possible putt. Practice makes perfect when you … Because this shot involves a relatively short swing, there is little time for compensations. CORRECT chip shot follow-through on left; INCORRECT chip shot follow-through on right. Here are a few fundamentals to help you with your chipping technique. Most golfers know that in order to shave strokes off your score, you have to perfect your chipping and pitching. Each has proven drills to help you improving your scoring and build a strong short game! Alternate Distance Control Chipping Drill. In this article, I'll go over the reasons why those chunks and skulls happen, explain some fundamentals that can help you avoid those mistakes, and provide a practice drill. Trying to 'Scoop' a Chip Shot Can Cause Fat or Thin Shots CORRECT chip shot set-up position on left; INCORRECT chipping set-up on right. This will help you Those are the basic 4 high rep / volume chipping drills to build your distance control with your wedge:Next, we move on to pressure chipping drills to build mental toughness.In this chipping drill, you’re going to simulate a real case scenario you may face on the golf course. You don’t get to redo the shot by having 5 balls sitting on the ground in case you screw up the chip.Spend 30 minutes working on up & downs by dropping your ball in random places around the green and picking out a hole to chip to. Feel free to If there is one area in the short game that most golfers struggle with it is longer distance chip shots.