You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? After the apostles died off (aboout the year 100) paganism corrupted Christianity.

Cognate: 5543 xrēstós (an adjective, derived from 5530 /xráomai, "to furnish what is suitable, useful") – properly, useful (serviceable, productive); well-fitted (well-resourced); useful (beneficial, benevolent). It is almost always translated as "Christ," in reference to Jesus, such as in Matthew 1:1, Mark 1:1, Luke 2:11 and so on. And they're not happy: Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect."

It is almost always translated as "Christ," in reference to Jesus, such as in Matthew 1:1, Mark 1:1, Luke 2:11 and so on.

All the priests, kings, prophets and Temple utensils were moshiach, including the ladle.To say someone is anointed puts them at the same level as the Temple ladle.To be The Moshiach one has to do these things in 1 lifetime:Building the Third Temple in Jerusalem (e.g., Ezek 37:26-28) In-gathering of Jewish exiles to Israel (e.g., Is 11:12) Reunification of Judah and Israel into one people (e.g., Ezek 37:22) Universal knowledge/worship of G-d (e.g., Is 11:9)Pagan does not only mean having no god, but worshiping a false god/gods which the Greeks did to the point of defiling the Temple.Readings in some early manuscripts say “the Christ” others “the Lord” The RV, ASV, NASB, NIV, ISV follow the ancient manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus here and say: "Neither let us tempt THE LORD" (RV).

I Sam. So the Israelite was not the same concept of the Greeks - I use to be teached about the diversion (latin di-vertio escindition, one line goes to one place and the other to another place) by Jews and to talk say Jews: Let's us to dialogue day and night about: How the Second Person of the Trinity - the Son here - descended in a time when... how had the Providence and the genius of Mankind made an global order for the fondation of Christianity? J22 Christian Greek Scriptures, Heb., by United Bible Societies, Jerusalem, 1979. You would like that I said that Jehova's Witenesses are neo-worshipers of the pagan figure of the brave hero?

(Mark 15:32, and 23:2); the son of David (Mark 12:35); THE (NOT 'A') son of God (Matt 16:16, Matt 22:42, Mark 14:61, and other verses); and savior (Luke 2:11, Jo 4:42). But for the Trinity doctrine, Jesus is NOT The Father Jehovah and are DIFFERENT. And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of the end. Ex. Helios (also Helius) was the god of the Sun in Greek mythology.He was thought to ride a golden chariot which brought the Sun across the skies each day from the east (Ethiopia) to the west (Hesperides) while at night he did the return journey in leisurely fashion lounging in a golden cup. This meant that he would not make Himself king by human means, such as when He withdrew from a crowd that wanted to make Him their ruler by their force (John 16:15).Jesus will be made king by divine fiat when He returns during his Second Coming (Revelation 19:14 - 16). Christos is a common Greek given name.

Don't say empty discourses but put yourself in the situation that you say you believe in and you will see that it has no so much sense for condamn Catholics as Pagans--- Christ did that. Because if this text if translated "the Christ" that means that Jesus is the SAME PERSON as Jehovah. Such anointings were done in public, so that all knew who was the Lord's anointed, and not afflict the Lord's anointed unintentionally. "Christos" is the Greek word that has that identical meaning.To the Jewish people who spoke Greek, "Christos" had the very same meaning that "Messiah" had for the Hebrew-speaking Jewish people.jesus is Messiahiach, regardless of false teachers in Judaism and Islamthere is no other natme but Jesus, (or whatever name He is known by)that saves mankind, HE is the ONLY saviour that was prophesied since the days of the prophet Abel.they all just mean "savior" in english. They had a god for almost everything.Khristós, meaning 'anointed' in Greek, in Hebrew it translates as messiah. Jehova's Witnessism says that Jesus is not God and that is maybe because so you have a space of "liberty" for try someday to build a new Babel - we Catholic cannot corrupt in that because we know that our God is always in the deepest - suffering the pass for the Hell.

To be messiah, one was anointed with the holy oil of anointing.

This is the date celebrated by the Greek Orthodox Church – the only Orthodox country celebrating Christmas on that date. But that I will ask in another spaceAbdijah: Yours is a superfitial critic towards Catholicism - few lines and charged of hard critics.