ⓘ This sentence is not a translation of the original sentence. For a composition based on this atonal system, the composer arranges the 12 14. Answer.

Sentence with the word chromatic. Chromatic definition: In music , chromatic means related to the scale that consists only of semitones . Red , yellow and blue are the basic hues from which all others on the 10. Wiki User. 2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Chromatic means related to colours.

Chromatic. Related Questions. Substitution notes may be diatonic or chromatic. The light from the water-bottle was merely engaged in a chromatic problem. Of, relating to(sentencedict .com), or based on the 9. b : characterized by frequent use of accidentals. 2 a : of or relating to color or color phenomena or sensations… Finally, would you like to post a short recording (perhaps of a simple 13. Examples of chromatic in a Sentence; 문장 chromatic. The term chromatic derives from the Greek word chroma, meaning color.. For today we chose to share with you this playful set of tea cup stools, which ranks high in chromatic but also originality.. All rights reserved.THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FIFTH EDITION by the Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries.

relating to color; colorful. According to this view the chromatic effects depend entirely upon atmospheric dispersion. Examples of how to use “achromatic” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs "3 In 1747 Leonhard Euler communicated to the Berlin Academy of Sciences a memoir in … www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "chromatic "(b) Correction of Chromatic Aberration.

Several artists used the same chromatic colors in their portraits at the display. Definition of Chromatic. 2. Chromatic aberration definition, the variation of either the focal length or the magnification of a lens system with different wavelengths of light, characterized by prismatic coloring at the edges of the optical image and color distortion within it. 2009-02-04 03:34:40 2009-02-04 03:34:40. The definition of chromatic is having colors, or a musical scale that includes half tones and full tones.YourDictionary definition and usage example.

Copyright © 2018 by LoveToKnow CorpWebster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. (adjective) An example of something chromatic is a rainbow. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 100 examples: Estimating chromatic contrast thresholds from the transient visual evoked… While the black and white photographs were quite beautiful, most people believed that they would have been more accepted if they were in a chromatic format. Where the katy-did works her chromatic reed on the walnut-tree over. Eastern music differs from Western music in the tonal qualities of the chromatic scales. 14 sentence examples: 1. 0 He was the inventor of the stage-micrometer, and of a form of heliometer; and in 1816 he succeeded in constructing for the microscope achromatic glasses of long focus, consisting of a single lens, the constituent glasses of which were in juxtaposition, but not cemented together.

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Definition of chromatic. In October, nature puts on its own chromatic show with the changing of the leaves. Examples of chromatic in a sentence, how to use it. In music, chromatic means related to the scale that consists only of semitones....the notes of the chromatic scale. In the interior the effect is gained by broad masses of chromatic decoration in marble-veneer and mosaics on a gold ground to cover the walls and vaults, and by elaborate pavements of opus sectile and opus Alexandrinum. 3. 5 6 7. Sentence Examples. How do you use chromatic in a sentence? The book was very chromatic in its language.

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