We're a partner in an EU project creating city-level circular construction pilots & systems and we are recruiting for the team to lead this project. Latest news. Join us online for the 3rd annual circular economy week in London and beyond to find out more about how cities and businesses are mitigating carbon and innovating for climate action through the circular economy. Thursday. This is the Circular Economy: CE Week 2020. in Environment Tags #BPatchAwards circular economy Sustainable living .

So, a more flexible and sustainable approach to products, housing, office space and critical...Tag your posts with #CircularLondon and we’ll share the best with our communityBe first to find out about events and get London's circular economy news London’s Circular Economy Week (#CEWeekLDN2020) will take place from 1 – 5 June to build momentum and share knowledge about how the circular economy can help tackle the climate emergency. Circular Economy Week 1st–5th June 2020 A showcase and celebration of the work being done to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon, resilient, resource-efficient future. Monday 1 June 14:00 -16:00 (BST) Online. Forget business as usual. Wednesday.

We have two fantastic roles giving opportunities to...We’re looking for three Circular Economy Advisors The London Waste and Recycling Board plays an important role in delivering the Mayor of London’s aspiration for the capital to be a leading global low carbon circular city and is a partnership of the Mayor and London’s...A circular economy route map to ensure London thrives now and in the future London is growing fast, the capital’s population predicted to reach over 11 million by 2050. OFFICIAL LAUNCH: Cities vs. The focus this year is on cities and how they can reduce CO2e emissions from the production and use of products and materials. Circular Economy Week 1st-5th June 2020 Webmaster West London News June 1, 2020 Join Circular London and The London Waste and Recycling Board online for the 3rd annual circular economy week in London and beyond to find out more about how cities and businesses are mitigating carbon and innovating for climate action through the circular economy. [Applications now closed] We are so excited to be recruiting! Climate change – Cities innovating to act on climate change. All. Read more. A week of events, activities and workshops showcasing and celebrating the transition to a low-carbon, resilient, resource-efficient future. We’ve been enjoying the simple pleasures of a walk in the park or taking the bike for a spin, baking bread and quality time with the family.When patterns break, it allows a glimpse of something new and thanks to the pandemic, we’ve discovered a slower, more localised, green economy.Post-Covid economic recovery must be within the ecological boundaries of our planet’s resources – let’s embrace the circular economy.Deep dive into the circular economy by registering for the free and fascinating talks and events The circular economy has been building steadily through the efforts of dedicated organisations such as TheThe other term for circular economy is ‘cradle to cradle’.We need to make things that can be hired / repaired / dismantled so that materials can be easily extracted for reuse with the minimum of waste and hassle – circularity is fundamentally a design principle.Blue Patch is a passionate supporter of the circular economy which is why we decided to create an award category especially for it! Circular Economy in the Commonwealth: the role of cities. We are recruiting!

We’ve been enjoying the simple pleasures of a walk in the park or taking the bike for a spin, baking bread and quality time with the family. A week of events, activities and workshops showcasing and celebrating the transition to a low-carbon, resilient, resource-efficient future. Tuesday. 2020 events.

Thursday 4 June 13:00 - 14:30 (BST) Online. Right now we’re experiencing a different kind of economy – one that includes clean air and bird song. Circular Economy Week 1st–5th June 2020. By continuing to browse this site we assume you are OK with that. Right now we’re experiencing a different kind of economy – one that includes clean air and bird song.