"You play really great defense and now they can't get bailed out as easily. Those rules are used in the WNBA. College Basketball is played in 2 halves each lasting 20 minutes. Women's basketball changed from 20-minute halves to 10-minute quarters. Whatever your curiosity, the azcentral podcast team wants to help! "We believe this change, along with the associated changes to the timeout and foul rules, will address flow of the game and physicality. This rule was for both college basketball and the NBA.While that change stuck in professional basketball, it did not hold in college. "Quarters are already used in high school, pro and international games.

The women's rule regarding timeouts within 30 seconds of a scheduled media timeout was extended to the men's game. A thirty-minute game is quite short, and that helps explain the other changes the game went through overtime.It did not take long for people to realize that two fifteen-minute halves were not enough time for a proper game. In 1951 the game went through a huge change when the league decided to split it up into four 10-minute quarters. It makes the game longer and much more boring . "While most new rules tend to be experimented with the year before they are implemented, Shafer said that these changes are something the coaches already know. Quarters are already used in high school, pro and international games.
(The women’s college game went to four quarters of 10 minutes a few years ago. This is just the beginning of what I hope are many other changes to improve this great game. "Shafer said the men also will be adopting the 10-second rule change.

"The new rules would be used across all three divisions of women's basketball.

At the ACC meetings last spring, the men’s basketball coaches breezed past consideration of a rules change the women recently instituted to speed play by splitting halves into 10-minute quarters. The more flow that exists, the better the games are to watch.While none of these theories have been absolutely proven one way or another, they do help suggest why one league goes with two halves and one goes with four quarters.College basketball has many rules that separate it from the NBA.

In fact, the four-quarter system was only around for three short years in the NCAA.

Though no one is exactly sure why they choose to stand on their own, there are many theories that could explain it.Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that the two 20-minute chunks have become a staple of the NCAA and will continue to be that way for the foreseeable future. Two long halves tend to create closer games than four separate quarters. "As the game becomes more global, each year it's important that we start the process toward standardizing the rules. The overall format will strengthen the connection of college basketball with women's basketball globally. Wiki User.

"The rules committee is very excited about the change to the four-quarter format for the 2015-16 season," said Michael Shafer, chair of the NCAA women's basketball rules committee and women's basketball coach at the University of Richmond. Close games not only lead to more excitement, but they can also lead to upsets. There are two halves, and each of them is separated by a quick halftime. permalink; embed ; save; parent; give award; Seton Hall Pirates / Iona Gaels IrishBall 40 points 41 points 42 points 2 years ago . NCAA women’s basketball games will be played in four 10-minute quarters next season. That is the same format the NCAA still uses to this day.However, the two half system did not stick for that long.

Sports Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under "We're the only one that didn't play quarters.

The men's rules committee also met this week, but isn't changing to quarters.Media timeouts would be reduced from four each half to one each quarter.