This email is not associated with a Spinoff In its six-monthly financial stability report, published today, the central bank said retail banks were strong going into the crisis and the range of official measures since then will allow them to support households and businesses. - YouTube Ardern added that there was enthusiasm for the proposal to proceed as soon as it was safe to do so, which wouldn’t be “too long”.There are no new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand today, the fifth consecutive day of zero cases, director general of health Ashley Bloomfield has announced. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in President Trump's impeachment inquiry, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in President Trump's impeachment inquiry, Key impeachment witness and his brother fired from White HouseKey impeachment witness and his brother fired from White HouseNew questions about Trump's influence over the USPSFact check: Trump's favorite mail-in voting fraud claimsPennsylvania AG won't let Trump 'undermine the vote' in his stateUSPS warns states it may not be able to deliver ballots in timeHow Biden's and Trump's digital campaigns get in your headReporter's blunt question to Trump receives polarizing responseObama reacts to Trump's attacks on postal service fundingHow Trump could lose the popular vote by 5M and still winTrump claims funding USPS will lead to ballot fraud'It's nothing new.' deleted in the past. Around the same time, a new drama was unfolding at the Finance and Expenditure committee: Judith Collins claiming angrily that she was “utterly sick of being demonised for my ethnicity”, thereby ensuring that controversy over the lack of diversity in National’s ranks rumbled on for at least another day.“Oh Jesus Christ, stupid questions”, said Collins, to which committee chair Deborah Russell (Labour) responded, calling it “a white girl comment”, a reference to Collins sarcastically asking reporters yesterday if there was “something wrong” with her being white.Shot back Collins today: “Oh no, it’s actually someone who is utterly sick of being demonised for my ethnicity thank you very much.”Meanwhile, National this afternoon attempted to move on from its The prime minister also announced that the Trans-Tasman Safe Border Group would present a blueprint to the New Zealand and Australian governments on how a trans-Tasman bubble could operate in early June. “Those sorts of decisions are best worked through by Māori.” Muller said National retained the position that it would not work with NZ First but when asked if he, like former leader Simon Bridges, did not trust leader Winston Peters, he said, “I am relaxed in terms of his trustworthiness from a personal perspective but it’s irrelevant because National does not work with NZ First; whether that changes in future, who knows.” Live updates, August 14: NZ to stay at current alert levels for 12 days; wage subsidy extendedLive updates, August 13: New case at North Shore school; few border staff had ever been tested – reportEverything you need to know about buying and making face masksLive updates, August 11: Four community cases; Auckland to level three lockdown; link to Mt Albert Primary have any issues contact us on Check your email inbox to finalise email verification. … And the prime minister has actually admitted that at the cabinet meeting – she said it.”According to the Herald, the Cabinet Manual says, “Discussion at Cabinet and Cabinet committee meetings is informal and confidential. Phil Collins resurfaced in a big way when twins from Gary, Ind., posted to their YouTube channel an animated video of themselves listening for the first time to his 1981 song “In the Air Tonight.” Asked about the future of the Māori seats, Muller said his personal view was “these are issues for Māori to resolve”, adding that changing them was “not a priority for me, far from it”.