For those who want to delve deeper into Viking lore, they incorporate Viking symbols into the artwork they get inked on their bodies. Cool Symbols Rune Symbols Magic Symbols Ancient Symbols Nordic Symbols Viking Symbols And Meanings Celtic Tattoo Symbols Celtic Runes Celtic Tattoos People believed that once they took a pledge, nothing could stop this enchanted spear from fulfilling its oath. They explored and traveled all over Europe and beyond in their high-quality ships between the 8th and 11th century.History sketches the Vikings as bulky barbarians with strong muscles and flesh.

The Viking symbols or Norse Symbols are a very broad subject, there are several dozen of them.
Huginn and Muninn are a pair of ravens that served Odin the Allfather as his messengers.
Some Viking symbols remain mysterious and their meaning is still unknown, but there are also many ancient symbols …

That is one of the reasons why it is called the Tree of Life.The second reason is that it is believed for Yggdrasil’s fruits to provide youth for the gods, ‘giving them life’.According to Norse mythology, the world will end with Ragnarok, a battle between gods with only a man and a woman surviving it by hiding inside the hollow of a tree. They were much smarter than they are portrayed in popular media. People believe that god Ordin negotiated with three nights with the giantess Gunnloo to acquire the mead of poetry.As soon as he finished those three meads, he got what he wanted, and then he transformed into an eagle and flew away. Some Viking symbols remain mysterious and their meaning is still unknown, but there are also many ancient symbols that have clear messages. Many cool writers like JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, and Jules Verne, etc. It is … Here is a quick run down of the most important Viking and Norse symbols. It is an Odal rune that means land and property.Trees hold symbolic importance in many cultures; likewise, Germanic mythology sees a significant tree at the center of the world. have valued these alphabets in their novels and stories.If books of literature can become enchanting and fascinating with these ancient, ethnic symbols, your body can too. The symbol is in the shape of an Odal/Othala rune in the Elder Futhark. Norns were the goddesses who wrote, decided and determined people’s destiny.Web of wyrd is associated with the past, the present and the future. Symbols played an important role in the Viking culture. Their work was to go around the worlds and bring back all the important news and information of the nine worlds to Ordin. Read through the rest of my blog to see cool Viking and Rune tattoos. In fact, the Swastika was believed to be the most significant good luck symbol/charm by some people.It was believed to bring a person in a desperate, chaotic state to a one that is of strength, prosperity and order.The next item on our list is Svefnthorn, one of the most authentic Viking symbols which was mentioned many times in several Norse sagas including The Saga of the Volsungs, The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki and Gongu-Hrolf’s Saga.Although the appearance, definition and magical qualities of Svefnthorn is somewhat different in every myth, there is one thing in common in all stories: Svefnthorn was mainly used to put one’s enemies to sleep.The symbol was used by Norse people (and gods) to put their adversaries into a deep and long sleep.Odin puts Valkyrie Brynhildr/Brunhild into a deep sleep in The Saga of the Volsungs. Here is a quick run down of the most important Viking and Norse symbols. All Rights Reserved. The Troll Cross is a Norse symbol of protection thought to be a part of Swedish folklore mostly.

The symbol comprised of 3 Viking triangles is called the Valknut and it is what is believed to be the main symbol of Odin.