Paraphrasing of the 3rd and 4th stanzas. Please stand by, while we are checking your browser...Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property.If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices.
The poet compares the daffodils to stars because the daffodils stretch in never-ending line like the stars in the galaxy. So the beautiful flowers tossed their heads in the breeze as if in a dance.

The ‘inward eye’ is that of memory, on which the scene has been imprinted in such a way that it flashes to life when the poet is in a ‘vacant’ or ‘pensive’ mood. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This is a clear indication that daffodils are heavenly stars.Ans. The intensity of emotions conveyed is also steadily increasing as the poem progresses. Just as the stars shine along the curves of the heavens, similarly the daffodils the daffodils glow in along the bank of the lake.Ans). Doesn’t the image of lying on a couch suggest the idea of being in a psychiatrist’s office? From being ‘sprightly’ in the previous stanza, the flowers are now full of ‘glee’. The simile of floating cloud suggests the sense of detachment. The flowers are tossing their heads about, reverberating in joy.Hi I m shetal vishwas ….I really liked these answers and I’m very happy….on finding my asnswer …thank you a loóootttEnter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive exclusive articles straight to your inbox! Get an answer for 'Explain the poem "The Daffodils" (or "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud") by Wordsworth and its central idea.' So we can expect the final stanza to exemplify the meaning of the previous section of the poem.For oft, when on my couch …… dances with the daffodils.‘For’ often conveys the meaning of ‘because’. Doesn’t the image of lying on a couch suggest the idea of being in a psychiatrist’s office? The title, ‘Daffodils’ is a simple word that reminds us of the arrival of spring, when the field is full of daffodils.

Unlike the daffodils and the waves it is only the poet who is solitary and lonely; the only creature in creation capable of feeling not at home and wonders “lonely as a cloud.”Ans). Suddenly he saw a large number of golden daffodils. The daffodils had grown under the trees near the lake. This very explanation has painted my heart with joyous colors and really appreciate it since itWell, we couldn’t ask for more than that.

As the poet gazed upon the scene of the daffodils beside the lake he was mesmerised by the sight.

Good look with your assessment, hope you did well!Thanks a lot. The speaker reveals that he not only still has the memory of the daffodils, but that he has also kept the memory of how they made him feel.

In poetry, an iamb consists of one unstressed syllable and one stressed syllable. He also comes down from the cloud and reveals the reality of his current physical state. Just like the clouds are moving overhead unattached to the scene below similarly the poet is walking all alone detached from the scenes of nature that surround him.Ans).

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Is the poem already very familiar to you? The beautiful scene, thus, captivated the poet. I wandered lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils) I wandered lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils) Summary The speaker was walking around through the hills and valleys, but he felt all lonely and mopey. The personifications of the daffodils also reveal their effect on the speaker as he regards them with life and attributes to them the ability to feel “glee”.

By comparing himself to a cloud, the poet is perhaps trying to participate in the natural order of things or perhaps trying to pretend that he is a cloud in order to avoid confronting whatever issues make him lonely.Also interesting in this stanza is the difference between the actions of ‘fluttering’ and ‘dancing’. The daffodils aren’t actually in a never-ending line, but there are so many of them that the line seems never-ending; so, in one sense, it is never-ending because the eye cannot see the end of it.Note how the dancing from the previous stanza has now become a ‘sprightly dance’. The daffodils are personified, as are other aspects of nature in this poem, and they provide company to the lonely wanderer/speaker. A bunch of daffodils symbolize the joy and happiness of life. In this stanza, it isn’t just the flowers but also the waves that are dancing. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker.

The poet compares the golden daffodils with the stars that shine and twinkle in the sky.

Later in 1815 Wordsworth revised it and it is this version that has survived till date.The intense attention on the individual’s rights added greater emphasis to the significance of personal subjectivity and feeling.
Wordsworth seems to be suggesting that recalling the scene with the daffodils is therapeutic to him. The poet feels the number of the daffodils as never-ending as the stars in the Milky Way.The waves of the lake are also dancing but the dance of the daffodils surpassed the dance of the waves in happiness. This is a clear indication that daffodils are heavenly stars.Ans.