Don't worry, you're not alone and you've come to the right place.There are several approaches and a number of factors to consider before deciding which is the best day rate calculation method for your particular circumstances. If your clients aren’t willing to pay this, that’s another matter (though hopefully you won't end up As a full-time employee, you’re bestowed with numerous benefits that self-employed folk never get to see. This calculator has a number of options and fully disburses a contractors current limited company day rate between Employers NI, Employers Pension and the Apprenticeship Levy leaving the gross day rate which would appear on a PAYE payslip. Plus of course, there's additional time needed for all the other aspects of running a business including marketing, social media, quoting, planning and accountancy.So the reality is that your day rate may need to be substantially higher than you first imagine in order to produce the turnover needed to provide your required salary.The good news is that, if you enter your email address, your data will be saved and we'll send you a link so you can return to the full day rate calculator and carry on from where you left off at any time.Acknowledgements: The inspiration for the day rate calculators came from a few great sources of information that I'd like to thank and reference: The full day rate calculator will give you a more accurate day rate estimate than our simple day rate calculator. So, now you're going to be working on a day rate basis for the first time and you may be scratching your head about how to calculate the right day rate to charge your clients? Find your ideal contractor, freelancer or self-employed day rateLooking for a freelance or contractor day rate calculator? Try our free contractor and freelance day rate calculator today It's still in beta, but our freelance day rate calculator is free to use and will give you an idea what your take-home pay will be.

Set your target rate and we will alert you once met Calculate. Interim. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. To begin your calculation, enter your starting amount along with the annual interest rate and the start date (assuming it isn't today). July 31, 2020. Having a slow day at work? We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. Relax - you’ll be busy again soon enough.For the self-employed, the scenarios above present a problem. We developed Day Rate Calculator to help professionals like you to quickly and easily calculate a day rate for the services you provide.The Day Rate Calculator was originally created for commercial drone operators (just because that's our primary business over at If you've just taken the plunge into self-employment after working for "the man" in a permanent salaried job for years, congratulations! It'll probably take you This section's a bit different to the others. Currency Charts. Check today's rates. Go for it - just don’t expect to be paid. UK Interim Day Rate Calculator. If you don't want toprovide an email address, that's absolutely fine but your data will be lost once you refresh the page.These rates enable you to break even based on the costs you've provided.The per hour rate assumes an 8hr working day and these figures are gross of any taxes etc.Use the slider to discover day rates which will deliver your target percentage gross profit of between 0 and 500% of your costs.

About the Day Rate Calculator We developed Day Rate Calculator to help professionals like you to quickly and easily calculate a day rate for the services you provide. Fixed Term Contract. Our day rate calculators will provide break-even day rate numbers from which you can start to build your day rate. The Day Rate Calculator was originally created for commercial drone operators (just because that's … There are other things to consider too; if your profession involves a lot of non-site work (e.g. £200 - £220 p/d.

You then simply need to factor in your target profit margin and appropriate tax rates to get final answer.