Fear of something is at the root of hate for others and hate within will eventually destroy the hater. For the Lord of Chaos walked by his side, and the Trident of Destruction comforted him. When men are engaged in war and conquest, the tools of science become as dangerous as a razor in the hands of a child of three. “Now there is a final reason I think that Jesus says, "Love your enemies." Science has made war so hellish that civilization was about to commit suicide; and now we are told that newly discovered instruments of destruction will make the cruelties of the late war seem trivial in comparison with the cruelties of wars that may come in the future. In Humphrey Carpenter (ed.) In René Vallery-Radot, Quoted by Jeremy Pearce in 'Arthur Galston, Agent Orange Researcher, Is Dead at 88', But he had to master history, for to be ignorant of history is simply to be ignorant. It was astonishing that for some considerable distance around the mould growth the staphococcal colonies were undergoing lysis. “I often see how you sob over what you destroy, how you want to stop and just worship; and you do stop, and then a moment later you are at it again with a knife, like a surgeon. In your study of world history, pay particular attention to the institution of slavery through the ages and the forces behind it. The punishment for its misuse would seem to be death and the destruction of the civilization that has been growing for a thousand years. The meaning of the evolution of culture is no longer a riddle to us. When we reflect on this struggle, we may console ourselves with the full belief, that the war of nature is not incessant, that no fear is felt, that death is generally prompt, and that the vigorous, the healthy, and the happy survive and multiply. Lastly, the star became like Saturn, and there will finally come a time of want, death, imprisonment and all sorts of sad things. Embryonic bonfires, each bearing a seed of destruction so potent it could tumble cities and dash kings to their knees.” Organic creation, on the contrary, the evolutionary phenomena which properly constitute life, we cannot in any way subject to a mathematical treatment. I have destroyed almost the whole race of frogs, which does not happen in that savage Dr. Chancellor Williams Biography.

On the Prince of Wales website. Widely seen on the Web, but always without citation, so regard attribution as uncertain. He … has been reckless of the future. Probably if half a kilogram [of radium] were in a bottle on that table it would kill us all. Knowledge and information cannot be quantitatively assessed, as a percentage of the G.N.P. The example of the discoveries of Nobel is characteristic, as powerful explosives have enabled man to do wonderful work. 'Fluorine', lecture at the Royal Institution (28 May 1897), translated from the French, in This time the revolution is for real! You had to raise your pitch to his but if you insisted on your right he was always, in the end, very fair. The city of Hiroshima stands as more than a monument to massive death and destruction. If one looks with a cold eye at the mess man has made of history, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that he has been afflicted by some built-in mental disorder which drives him towards self-destruction.

Drunkenness, the ruin of reason, the destruction of strength, premature old age, momentary death. As the Director of the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos, I participated at the most senior level in the World War II Manhattan Project that produced the first atomic weapons. All the idols made by man, however terrifying they may be, are in point of fact subordinate to him, and that is why he will always have it in his power to destroy them. Speech, awards ceremony for green entrepreneurs, Buckingham Palace (30 Jan 2014). LHC collisions are not going to destroy the planet.