He befriends another black inmate, a street-wise kid he knows only as Turner, who has a different take on withstanding Nickel: “The key to in here is the same as surviving out there—you got to see how people act, and then you got to figure out how to get around them like an obstacle course.” And if you defy them, Turner warns, you’ll get taken “out back” and are never seen or heard from again. At the very least, I wish an incurable itch upon everyone who has catcalled me on the street. Reading Dietland is indubitably equivalent to walking a mile in the enormous shoes of our nearly thirty year old, three-hundred-four-pound narrator, Plum. And it's armed.

And somehow this book is hilarious, entertaining, fast-paced, and thought-provoking. I think I could get into reading it.

This book is tasty, wicked, bizarre, disturbing, and highly entertaining. Sarai Walker. DIETLAND is a fantastic book. I liked this book, but something about the ARC seems unfinished. OMG, the Jennifer activities/terrorist group IS the point!

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Plum’s life experiences as a fat woman, living in a world in which eating is the enemy, loneliness is no excuse and the knock-on effects of gastric … As a magazine writer, her articles appeared in national publications, including Seventeen and Mademoiselle. It's too bad women have to go to creative lengths just to break down norms.

We take self-defense classes, keep our doors locked, carry pepper spray and rape whistles. Welcome back. I’ve never felt that I could genuinely understand a position I’ve not actually been in. However - this book is ambitious - is perhaps even undone by its own ambition - so it deserves a more thorough review. (How can you not love Sana?) I stand by my original assessment of: If Margaret Atwood and Jennifer Weiner had a love child, this book might be it! I really did like following the exploits of the feminist political group Jennifer and following the ups and downs of our heroine Plum's life. Powered by
Horrifying medical procedures! Dietland was selected as one of Entertainment Weekly ' s 10 Best Books of 2015.

If I could give this book less than one star, I would. Dietland is a complicated, thoughtful and powerful expression of that same anger. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. In Dietland, timid Plum Kettle is sure that losing weight is the key that will unlock the life she wants to live. As her surgery date nears and Jennifer’s acts grow increasingly drastic, Plum finds she’s at the center of what can only be described as a literal feminist conspiracy—and she’s transforming into a version of herself she never knew existed. We're told not to go out by ourselves late at night, not to dress a certain way, not to talk to male strangers, not to lead men on. It’s the early 1960s, and Elwood can feel changes coming every time he listens to an LP of his hero Martin Luther King Jr. sermonizing about breaking down racial barriers. Will save this for a future read.This sounds like an interesting read.
She is not really living yet. I can't simply buy off the rack without having to hem or alter the outfit, which means I am buying work for myself. Pre-publication book reviews and features keeping readers and industry

But while hitchhiking to his first day of classes at a nearby black college, Elwood accepts a ride in what turns out to be a stolen car and is sentenced to the Nickel Academy, a juvenile reformatory that looks somewhat like the campus he’d almost attended but turns out to be a monstrously racist institution whose students, white and black alike, are brutally beaten, sexually abused, and used by the school’s two-faced officials to steal food and supplies.