Don’t worry, it won’t take long. Kylie Minogue A short The fourth series featured a large number of high-profile stars such as All of the episode titles were revealed in the 5 April 2008 issue of the Like the previous three series, all of the episodes are bound together in a loose story arc. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

Who is still BE FAR more entertaining than far slicker shows (reality shows, singing shows, crime scene shows - most sit coms and dramas are just HORRIBLE recycled schlock in comparison). Catherine Tate reprises her role as Donna Noble and joins the Doctor's side to foil an alien scheme involving weight-loss pills manufactured by Adipose Industries.A visit to ancient Rome puts the Doctor and Donna in Pompeii just ahead of what the Doctor calls "Volcano Day," which is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.The Ood are encountered on the Ood Sphere, where the Doctor and Donna learn terrible things about the human race.Freema Agyeman reprises her role as Martha Jones, who phones the Doctor as an army of the Time Lord's old enemies, the Sontarans, kick their diabolical plan into motion.Poisonous gas threatens the people of Earth as the Sontarans attempt to convert the planet's atmosphere to suit their needs.The TARDIS takes the Doctor, Martha and Donna to the planet Messaline, where the Doctor's DNA is used to create a daughter while a war rages between humans and the Hath.Donna and the Doctor travel to 1926, where they meet the revered crime novelist Agatha Christie (Fenella Woolgar) and stumble into a murder mystery.Mysterious shadows menace an abandoned library, the latest destination for Donna and the Doctor.Donna loses her memory and leads a fast-paced life in a virtual world while the Doctor faces the Vashta Nerada with River Song, who reveals things about his future.Vacation plans go awry for the Doctor when he joins tourists on a flight over the crystalline planet Midnight, where the passengers encounter a malevolent force.Catherine Tate reprises her role as Donna Noble and joins the Doctor's side to foil an alien scheme involving weight-loss pills manufactured by Adipose Industries.A visit to ancient Rome puts the Doctor and Donna in Pompeii just ahead of what the Doctor calls "Volcano Day," which is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.The Ood are encountered on the Ood Sphere, where the Doctor and Donna learn terrible things about the human race.Freema Agyeman reprises her role as Martha Jones, who phones the Doctor as an army of the Time Lord's old enemies, the Sontarans, kick their diabolical plan into motion.Poisonous gas threatens the people of Earth as the Sontarans attempt to convert the planet's atmosphere to suit their needs.The TARDIS takes the Doctor, Martha and Donna to the planet Messaline, where the Doctor's DNA is used to create a daughter while a war rages between humans and the Hath.Donna and the Doctor travel to 1926, where they meet the revered crime novelist Agatha Christie (Fenella Woolgar) and stumble into a murder mystery.Mysterious shadows menace an abandoned library, the latest destination for Donna and the Doctor.Donna loses her memory and leads a fast-paced life in a virtual world while the Doctor faces the Vashta Nerada with River Song, who reveals things about his future.Vacation plans go awry for the Doctor when he joins tourists on a flight over the crystalline planet Midnight, where the passengers encounter a malevolent force. The chemistry between Tennant and Tate is amazing and finally we have a companion that doesn't just idolize the Doctor and act like a lovesick puppy everytime he speaks. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. Air date: Jul 11, 2008 The following is a list of appearances by Rose Tyler.
Pride Moon and the Girl. Elisabeth Sladen The series started production on 8 August 2007 and concluded on 29 March 2008. A Tokyo Marui Airsoft Hi-Capa 4.3 (presumabley standing in for a real life STI Edge) is used by the clone Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) and Luke Rattigan …

Finding themselves on the Ood-Sphere planet in the 42nd century, The Doctor and Donna discover the truth over the Ood's willingness to serve humankind. Season 4. They travel back to Pompeii in AD 79, investigate a series of grisly murders with the help of Agatha Christie, and journey to the home world of the sinister Ood.
In more general terms, Dr Who is a mash of emotional poignancy, goofy monster of the week, and some sci fi concepts.

Air date: Jun 6, 2008 It's been seeded for a long time, with small but vital references going all the way back to series One." Air date: May 2, 2008 Air date: Jun 13, 2008 How would Earth handle the Racnoss, the falling Titanic or the Sontarans? Soon the passengers begin to panic when one of them is possessed.