It follows the vampire Count Dracula from his castle in Transylvania to England, where he is hunted while turning others into vampires.

Those children whose blood she suck are not yet so much worse; but if she live on, Un-Dead, more and more lose their blood and by her power over them they come to her.Van Helsing later describes the aftermath of a bitten victim when the vampire has been killed: Now you shall come to my call. She reads his journal and passes it along to Van Helsing. History at your fingertips Instead, it is composed of a collage of letters, journal entries and diary jottings, in addition to a portion of a ship's log, various newspaper clippings, and even a "phonograph diary."

This novel is not told in a straightforward, chronological, omniscient manner, like many nineteenth-century novels.

The dominant characteristic of the character emerges through Mina that she is a vivacious young woman who is much praised for… Description of the Brides. It was just a quarter before twelve o'clock when we got into the churchyard over the low wall.

The dogs prove very efficient rat killers, suggesting they are Dracula can also manipulate the weather and, within his range, is able to direct the elements, such as storms, fog and mist.One of Dracula's powers is the ability to turn others into vampires by biting them.

Lucy goes into the care of Dr. Seward and Dr. Van Helsing, who, after a number of failed blood transfusions, decide further action is needed.

Mina notices two small red marks on Lucy’s neck and assumes that she must have inadvertently pricked Lucy with a pin. After Harker strikes him with a shovel, he is left with a scar on his forehead which he bears throughout the course of the novel. Summary. The vampire hunters also lose one of their own, Quincey Morris, during the expedition.A popular theory among critics is that the character Count Dracula is based on the infamously barbaric Vlad III, better known as While vampirism is clearly at the forefront of Stoker’s novel, be it literal, metaphorical, or just for the Gothic scare, Since then vampires of the same kind have appeared across popular culture. Soldier, statesman, and In "Dracula's Guest", the narrative follows an unnamed Englishman traveller as he wanders around The short story climaxes in an old graveyard, where the Englishman encounters a sleeping female vampire called Countess Dolingen in a marble tomb with a large iron stake driven into it. When Dracula's brides attempt to seduce Jonathan Harker, Dracula physically assaults one and ferociously berates them for their insubordination. He is repulsed by garlic, as well as sacred items and symbols such as at the instant I saw that the cut had bled a little, and the blood was trickling over my chin. Dracula He is the vampire who has been "Un-Dead" for several hundred years and keeps his vitality by sucking blood from live victims.He is the Transylvanian Count for whom the book is named. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! They then drape Lucy and her room with After her death, many report the appearance of a creature who is attacking children in the area. 19)The Count's intended identity is later commented by Professor Van Helsing, referring to a letter from his friend Arminius: If he be not at the place whither he is bound, he can only change himself at noon or exact sunrise or sunset. Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker.It introduced the character of Count Dracula and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. But as yet you are to be punished for what you have done. However, Van Helsing reveals that were he to successfully escape, his continued existence would ensure that even if he did not victimize Mina further, she would transform into a vampire upon her eventual natural death. Extract from Chapter Eight. (Chapter 3, pp.