Things are about as dark as they can possibly be, but sometimes darkness gives way to an interlude of light.A week after Uther’s death, Arthur is grieving and finds comfort in the arms of his servant, Merlin.When Gaius was found and brought back to Camelot in 4X07 (The Secret Sharer), Arthur was told he needed to apologise to Merlin.
A meeting of the Though Merlin also wanted to help Mithian, he couldn't help but notice that she wasn't acting like herself and that there were some discrepancies in her story. As he leaves, Arthur accidently releases Uther's spirit. Buy HD £2.49.

But even as she flowers, so the dark seeds of her destruction are being sown... For in the frozen wastelands of the north, men are disappearing without trace. As the last Dragonlord, it was now his responsibility to rid Camelot of the Great Dragon. While the prince slept, Merlin tried to learn more about his father and to persuade him to help Camelot. Morgana captures Alator - her former ally who later sided against her - in order to find out the identity of the legendary warlock known to the Druids as Emrys (still unaware this is Merlin). I put my life in your hands every day, Merlin, as do Arthur and Gwen and all of Camelot, though they may not know it. He shows exceptional talent and potential in his magical abilities and his enthusiasm to further his education despite the risks carried with using magic. At one point in their journey they stumbled across a group of bandits. This story begins soon after (there are several references to the deleted scene talked about in the commentary for The Secret Sharer - the one where Merlin is rude to Arthur and lets him have a piece of his mind), and, as apologies go, this one starts out rather rocky but ends sultry, sensually, and smoothly.Arthur laments the possible loss of the man he loves.Arthur is left with a broken heart when Guinevere is caught kissing Lancelot, but only he knows that his heart was broken long before that. Or will Morgana at long last fulfil her dreams of revenge?Three soothsayers known as the Disir order Arthur to return to the old ways and legalize sorcery, or else Camelot will suffer their wrath.Morgana kidnaps Gwen and locks her in the Dark Tower, counting on the fact that Arthur will come to his queen's rescue.Merlin ventures far away from Camelot after agreeing to accompany a druid boy on a dangerous mission.Merlin knows he must act fast before Morgana's twisted control over Gwen gets further out of hand. Air date: Feb 15, 2013 The king, Merlin spent his first few days in Camelot helping Gaius while the physician tried to find some paid work for him. He accepts (though plans on killing her, too). Later, after the situation had been explained to Uther, Merlin was pardoned for the Goblin's crimes and the box containing the creature was sealed away in the castle vaults (Gwaine wound up causing quite a bit of trouble during his stay in Camelot, including racking up a bill at the local tavern that he knew he had no money to pay. Later, while Arthur and the Knights slept, Merlin sensed the presence of the The next day, Merlin decided to take Mab's advice and convinced Arthur and the Knights that he could lead them to the Dark Tower. Knowing that her magic would put their side at a disadvantage, Merlin snuck into the castle disguised as The next morning, Arthur and his allies put their plan into action. All rights reserved. This is what she wants!I don't think you understand.

With Arthur's forces outnumbered, Merlin arrives in his guise as the aged sorcerer to defeat Morgana's army with magic. Elyan first met Merlin when Arthur went to rescue him from Cenred (Merlin's magical abilities go far beyond that of normal sorcerers. He found him cornered by Mordred and Morgana, the latter of whom quickly incapacitated Merlin by using her magic to slam him against a wall.

He followed it to the dungeons beneath the castle, where he discovered the The dragon's words had an impact on Merlin, who had been searching for a purpose since he arrived in Camelot. A few years later, Arthur becomes in possession of a horn that, when blowed into, it opens a rift, allowing him to go into the Spirit World and visit Uther's ghost. John Shrapnel

Her kiss broke the enchantment and returned him to his right mind, allowing him to win the fight. Kilgharrah has told Merlin more than once that his and Morgana's destinies are intertwined, and that they are both alike and totally opposite (During the first few years of their relationship, Gwen had a crush on Merlin that he never really became aware of. Alfie Stewart After Uther swore to him that what Morgause had said wasn't true, Arthur relented and father and son broke down in tears. Nathaniel Parker

Merlin still very much cares for Gwen. With each tortured step, the fortress of Ismere looms ever nearer, and Merlin's fear intensifies. He confessed that he barely knew anything about; she'd died when he was born and his father never spoke of her.